Nov 19 2021 36 mins 50
Wisdom from the Psalms has become one of my all-time favorite Dr. Peter Kreeft books. Not only does this book inspire me to think and learn, but best of all it helped me to grow even more deeply in love with the Psalms and prayer. This particular podcast is a favorite as well. The Psalms only get better (is that possible?) when experienced with such an incredible guide. Give your prayer life a big boost and pick up a copy of this wonderful book.
You can find the book here
From the book description:
The Psalms are the most popular, most universally loved and used book in the Bible, which in turn is the most popular book in the world. They are hymns, songs, poems and prayers, both formal (liturgical and communal) and informal (spontaneous, personal, and individual); and this gives them many layers of meaning rather than one, unlike theologies and creeds.
They Psalms are literally inexhaustible, so a new book of reflections on them is always welcome. Especially a book by the beloved, widely read, best-selling author and philosopher, Peter Kreeft.
In this work Kreeft shares his personal explorations into the riches of the Psalms, his profound expeditions into this deep ocean of the divinely inspired spiritual water. He focuses on the dozen or so Psalms that are most people’s favorites, including Kreeft.
Kreeft says that the Pslams are powerful prayers, and a spiritual weapon that God himself has given us for our great task of spiritual warfare, which is human life on earth.
What prayers did Jesus and his disciples pray? The Psalms! As all Jews have always done ever since they had them. The Psalms are God’s answer to our plea, ‘Teach us to pray.’ Christ prayed them not only in synagogue but throughout His life, and at his death. He prayed Psalm 22, ‘My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?’ even as He was dying on the Cross.
– Peter Kreeft, from the Introduction
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