Feb 01 2023 34 mins 1
As an empath, we have a heightened sense of other people’s character and their emotions. As we all have empath power, even if you don’t define yourself as an empath, we have to respect that we all have a gut instinct. Unfortunately, as we grow up, we often are trained to disregard our instincts. Instead of accounting for the intangible feelings we have around certain people, we revert to the more objective facets of our interactions with them in order of judging a situation. Perhaps we are afraid of hurting their feelings or offending them, but instead of staying away or denying these people from being within our proximity, we often accept them. Whether it’s a business, romantic, or friend relationship, often the result can be disastrous when we ignore our feelings. Check out today’s episode to learn how to follow your gut and acknowledge the gifts you’ve been given.