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Jan 30 2025 22 mins   5
Auto-generated transcript:Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim. Wa alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen. Wa salat wa salam wa ala ashrafil anbiya'i wa ala mursaleen. Muhammad rasulullahi salallahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sahibu sallam tasneefan kathiran kathiran. Let me ask you a question. What is Salah? Anybody? Yes? You remember that? Go on. He's also a prayerist. No, the hadith is where it separates us from others. Do you remember the hadith? Anybody? No? Okay. Inshallah, you can remember it, inshallah. The hadith is, Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, qala rasulullah sallam, wa qa'la alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said that the thing that separates the ahad, the covenant, the promise, the dividing line between them and us, them is other people who are not Muslim and us is Muslim. He said the dividing line, the covenant between them and us is a Salah, the one who has left it has committed disbelief, has left Islam. Salah is the first thing that Allah s.w.t made fard, made compulsory, obligatory on every nabi and on anyone who came, the people of those ambiyan, from Adam sallallahu alaihi wa sallam all the way to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. For example, Allah s.w.t said to Ibrahim sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, tahir bayti litai fee na wal aaki fee na wal ruqa e sujood. He said purify my house for the people who will make tawaf, for the people who make itikaf, for people who make ruko and sujood. Ruko and sujood are the symbols of what? Salah, right? You make ruko and sujood, right? Maryam alayhi sallahu alaihi wa sallam was told to be with those who make ruko and sujood. Musa alayhi sallam and Allah s.w.t called out to him when he went to get a firebrand from the burning bush. Allah s.w.t called out to him and he said ya Musa, innani ana Allah wa la ilaha illa ana, fa'budini wa aqibi salata li dhikri. Allah said to Musa, I am your Rad, I am Allah and there is no one worthy of worship except me. So establish my dhikr, establish salah for my dhikr. Aqimi salata li dhikri. Allah s.w.t said to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, Ya ayyuhal muzzammil, qumil layla illa qaleela, nisfahu awin kus min hu qaleela, awzid alayhi warattilil qur'ana tartila. Allah s.w.t said in surat al-buzzammil which is supposed to be one of the first surahs to be revealed after the Quran, the first five ayahs of surat al-alq were revealed. There is a difference of opinion whether it was muzzammil or muddasir which came first, Allah ala. But obviously it's one of the earliest of the Makkah surahs and this surah is evidence that Allah s.w.t describes salah on the Rasul allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam And Allah s.w.t said to him, Oh who wrapped, oh you who are wrapped in garments, who are sleeping, stand up in salah, qumil layla, stand up for the whole night illa qaleela except for a little bit, nisfahu awin kus min hu qaleela, warattil al qur'ana tartila, and then recite the Quran in a pleasant way. So Nabi s.a.w. used to learn the Quran, Allah is saying now tell me the Quran, when you are learning Quran with Sheikh Abdullah what do you do? What do you memorize? You recite back to him right? So he corrects you. This is Allah s.w.t is the teacher. Your teacher is Abdullah al-Khuldi, hafizullah, the teacher of Muhammad s.w.t is Allah s.w.t himself. So Allah s.w.t is saying repeat, show me what did you learn? Salah is the thing where Allah s.w.t in the hadith where Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu narrated by him, where he said that Allah s.w.t said, they say any hadith that starts with this, call Allah, what does it mean? What do you call it? You call it hadith? Hadith or what? Anybody knows? No? Okay you will learn inshallah. Hadith of Qudsi, Qudsi okay, hadith of Qudsi is where Allah s.w.t is saying something. Nabi s.a.w said Allah said this. Even the other hadith are things which Allah s.w.t said. That is the hadith also is a revelation. But the other hadith is Allah said to Nabi s.a.w and Nabi s.a.w said in his own words.