Oct 11 2024 29 mins 3
When you study the Seerah, ask yourself what the fundamental nature of the message of Rasoolullahﷺ was, which resulted in such overwhelming opposition to begin with and then total transformation of society. In my study of the Seerah, and I have written two books on this, the reason for the extent and severity of opposition was that the Quraysh realized what would happen if people accepted his message. The opposition was not to the theological content of the message but to the political change that it would create. The message of Islam is and was a call to total societal change. A change of the bases of social and political action and norms. Therefore, a change of social and political hierarchies and power structures. Islam is about action. Not about talking.
Power comes with territory. Contribution defines territory. The world respects and listens to contributors and uses consumers. When Muslims slipped from being net contributors to consumers, they became a commodity to be used. Which brings us to our present state, where despite being one in four, we are like foam on the flood. Without weight or value, to be ignored, exploited, and discarded at will. Allahﷻ said that He sent us for the benefit of people to teach them how to live a life of virtue and goodness, compassion, and justice. Allahﷻ’s book is witness. Allahﷻ declared:
كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ ٱلْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ
A’al Imraan 3: 110 You are the best community ever raised for humanity—you encourage good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah.
Remember you can only change what you own. You can live in a rented house and complain until you die about all that is wrong with that house and what needs to be done. You will be totally right but totally helpless because you don’t own the house. Same thing with the society you live in. Until you start thinking of it as your society, you can’t change anything. Here’s a self-test. Ask, how many people complain about the political system in this country? Then ask how many of them register and go to vote? Ask, how many complain about schools? Then ask how many stand for elections to school boards? Ask, how many complain about local administration? Then ask how many volunteer on committees? How many volunteer to work in the Fire Service and the Police? Ask, how many complain about Muslim refugee children coming here through Christian and Jewish Refugee Assistance programs which are State funded and then going into non-Muslim foster homes? Then ask why there is no Muslim Family Service organization and why Muslims don’t volunteer as foster parents?
Those who seriously want change, don’t blame others, but ask themselves, ‘What can I do?’ That is what Islam teaches us. To do something. Not to simply complain. Problems need solutions, not complaints. In the life of every man and woman comes a time when a window opens, and they have a unique opportunity to make an impact. To succeed we need to anticipate, prepare and act with courage. Our window is open now. When the window shuts, our life is over, even if we remain alive. Because to live is not merely to draw breath but to leave behind a legacy of honor.
For Muslim society, to use TA terminology, the Parent-Child Ego state was (and is) the preferred state of being and all attempts to develop the Adult Ego state are repressed. It creates in us a tendency to blame others for our situation, be it local or global. Listen to our conversations and you will almost never hear statements owning responsibility for our problems. The rule of life is that only owners can change what they own. If you don’t own it, you can’t change it. So, if we don’t take ownership of our problems,