Aug 31 2024 91 mins
The FFWiki Podcast is the official podcast of, the biggest Final Fantasy Wiki on the internet – accept no substitutes.
There’s a lot of news this month. Brave Exvius is closing down. There’s harassment against a voice actress. FF16 comes to PC.
But also I ramble for hour to help Final Fantasy fans understand football. If you’ve ever wondered why the Cleveland Browns remind you of Don Corneo, I’m here to explain that. Which team is Sephiroth? Which team is Lightning? Sportsball!
This month’s FFWiki Podcast is hosted by BlueHighwind, Vice Host SomeColorMage and FFXIV Expert, Catuse. Podcast music is “La Montana de los Caballos Jovenes” by XPRTNovice off the OC Remix Album Balance and Ruin, based on Mt. Koltz from FFVI.