Episode Artwork
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May 15 2021 34 mins   323

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Melbourne-based French Australian painter Guy Trinquet, is a finalist in the 2021 Glover Prize, one of Australia’s most prestigious landscape painting awards.

Vocab List

croquis (nm) = sketch, rough outline, first draft

déceler = to detect, to spot

ébauche (nf) = sketch, rough outline, first draft

être tenu(e) de (faire quelque chose) = to be required / bound (to do sth)

gosse (n) = kid

gribouillage (nm) = scribble

grimper = to climb

passer (ça passe) = to be acceptable, to be admissible

subjuguer = to captivate, to enthrall, to conquer

tiquer = to twitch, to cringe

toile (nf) = canvas

vente aux enchères (nf) = auction

Links and Resources

The post FV 128: (Part 1) French artist Guy Trinquet appeared first on French Your Way.