Episode 227- Will Jersey Ban Eating Beaver?

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Mar 02 2025 41 mins   30

Episode 227-Will Jersey Ban Eating Beaver?

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Gun Lawyer– Episode 227


New Jersey gun laws, beaver eating ban, Minnesota statutes, Senator Grant Hoschild, Civilian

Marksmanship Program, 1911 pistols, President Trump, USAID corruption, Open Society Foundation,

anti-gun movement, shoulder holster, concealed carry, New Jersey gun rights, gun lawyer podcast,

Evan Nappen.


Speaker 3, Evan Nappen, Speaker 1, Speaker 2, Teddy Nappen

Evan Nappen 00:15

I’m Evan Nappen.

Teddy Nappen 00:17

And I’m Teddy Nappen.

Evan Nappen 00:18

And welcome to Gun Lawyer. So, today we have a very important question. Because New Jersey has

never found an anti-gun, anti-hunting law that they didn’t like, the question is this. Is New Jersey going

to ban eating beavers? That’s right. Because in Minnesota. In Minnesota, don’t you know? That is.

Teddy Nappen 00:47


Evan Nappen 00:50

Yeah. Isn’t that the state of Tim Walsh there, the VP? Wasn’t that his state, Minnesota? I think it was or

is a party to.

Teddy Nappen 01:05

Close enough.

Evan Nappen 01:06

What’s going on there? Close enough. Well, apparently in Minnesota, this was brought to my attention

by one of my favorite authors, Dean Weingarten, out of AmmoLand, that Minnesota has banned the

eating of beaver in Minnesota. (https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/minnesota-bill-to-legalize-eating-

beaver/) That’s correct. This is a hot button issue, as I’m sure you know.

Evan Nappen 01:33

This ban on eating beavers was apparently put in place about five months ago or so, in 2024, and it’s

got a lot of people very upset. Because.

Page – 1 – of 13Teddy Nappen 01:49

It may have rubbed a few people the wrong way.

Teddy Nappen 01:51

They really wanted to, uh, they really wanted to gnaw on this issue.

Evan Nappen 01:51

I think it has. I think in fact, it has, and it is a damn shame what they did. Because in Minnesota, you

don’t need a permit to take beavers. Okay? No permit is required for that if they’re damaging. If they’re

causing damage, normally you’re able to do that without a permit or license. And what happened is

there was a law that apparently got put in place under Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 97B.667,

(subdivision 3) which says, “(c) Unless otherwise directed by a conservation officer, the road authority,

local government unit, the landowner, or their agent may dispose of or retain beaver killed under this

section. Human consumption of a retained beaver is prohibited.” So, they did ban beaver eating in

Minnesota. New Jersey always seems to jump on every new law that comes out, and I think there

would be a lot of people upset in New Jersey if.

Evan Nappen 03:23

Well, you know, it is something of concern. Now, luckily, they do have a heroic state senator in

Minnesota, Senator Grant Hauschild. He’s introduced a bill to allow beaver eating in Minnesota. So,

maybe we can get this going in the other direction here. Wouldn’t that be good? I think this is something

we need to always be aware of, what’s taking place in other states. And of course, Gun Lawyer has a

reach beyond New Jersey. So, I think making folks just aware of bans on beaver eating is of great

importance. We sure don’t want to see that happen in New Jersey as well.

Teddy Nappen 04:23

Have you ever eaten beaver?

Evan Nappen 04:24

In fact, I have. As a matter of fact, I was once at a rendezvous in where they had a mountain man

rendezvous. They had an individual there who was also reenacting, if you will, being a Native American

woman who actually had a beautiful beaver that she had prepared and that I took part in eating, as did

others. As did others. So, beaver eating is a known thing, especially amongst mountain men, especially

amongst mountain men. It’s one of those things that I learned. I learned a lot from that Native American


Teddy Nappen 04:24

That’s quite, quite, a really good experience. Yeah.

Speaker 1 04:45

You don’t. Yeah, unforgettable.

Page – 2 – of 13Speaker 2 04:59

I know. I know like you really want to fill. You want to fill your mouth with as much beaver as you can.

Evan Nappen 05:32

Well, that is always a good thing. I think you may see actually a kind of a regeneration and interest in

this very subject. I would think.

Teddy Nappen 05:49

Yeah, in, yeah.

Evan Nappen 05:50

In beaver eating. Just across the board. I mean, with the influence of the show.

Teddy Nappen 05:55

honestly, really, they should get, they should into

Speaker 1 05:58

very deep, very deep influence.

Teddy Nappen 06:02

Very deep, very deep.

Evan Nappen 06:04

I think so.

Teddy Nappen 06:05

I think we need to start giving a damn about beaver eating. And in fact, they should talk about it in

schools for beaver eating.

Evan Nappen 06:11

Well, that

Teddy Nappen 06:13

Beaver eating.

Evan Nappen 06:13

Yeah, sometimes they have taught about that. But.

Teddy Nappen 06:19

Yeah, beaver eating.

Evan Nappen 06:22

It depends on how old the students are, but, you know, depending what curriculum they’re discussing.

Page – 3 – of 13Teddy Nappen 06:27

For those who are out there, you know, who are married, you know, like you should really take up

beaver eating if you’re married.

Evan Nappen 06:28

Well, this is it. There are many benefits to it, and science has shown that there’s a lot of interest. It does

build character, and

Evan Nappen 06:46

A happy marriage. Sure. All kinds of things from that. So, I totally

Teddy Nappen 06:46


Teddy Nappen 06:54

It improves your sex drive.

Evan Nappen 06:54

We have to raise consciousness on this issue, and this is something where I’ve got to give a lot of

credit to Dean Weingarten at AmmoLand for his article entitled “Minnesota Bill to Legalize Eating

Beaver”. (https://www.ammoland.com/2025/02/minnesota-bill-to-legalize-eating-beaver/) And that did

catch my attention as well. If you want to read about it, you can go online, and if anyone asks what

you’re reading, just tell your online learning all about beaver eating.

Teddy Nappen 07:24

All I want to see now is like, kind of, remember Ben Franklin’s book? What was it, Fart Proudly?


Evan Nappen 07:32

Yes. He did write that.

Teddy Nappen 07:34

I want, like, a thing saying, like, “Eat Beaver Proudly.

Evan Nappen 07:36

He actually did write that book. That is a true, actual, book written by Benjamin Franklin. He wasn’t just

Poor Richard’s Almanac and the Declaration of Independence. He also wrote that book. Think about

that. One of the authors of the Declaration of Independence wrote a classic on farting, and he said to

do it proudly. Yes, he did do though. What about it, Teddy?

Teddy Nappen 07:58

Well, now I want the new book someone to do Eat Beaver Proudly.

Page – 4 – of 13Speaker 1 08:03

Well, I think that could even be a rallying call, at least in Minnesota at the moment.

Teddy Nappen 08:08


Evan Nappen 08:09

You’ll probably see bumper stickers and other events, maybe even rallies. I think a beaver eating rally

in Minnesota would gather a lot of attention, don’t you?

Teddy Nappen 08:21


Evan Nappen 08:21

That would be a good one.

Teddy Nappen 08:22

There we go.

Evan Nappen 08:23

Yeah. Well, this issue can definitely go on for a long time, but we’re not going to keep it going, because

we have to get to other penetrating subjects here.

Teddy Nappen 08:38

Of course. Any more hot button issues? More hot button issues.

Evan Nappen 08:41

That’s exactly it, Teddy. We’re going to get on with other things. One of them is this. I want to give an

update about the 1911s from the CMP. That’s the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

(https://thecmp.org/m1911-order-processing/) Now the CMP, yeah, that was an interesting segue,

wouldn’t you say? But, yeah, so here you go. We went from beaver eating to the CMP, where you can

buy a 1911A1. And, of course, you know what Freud said? He always made certain things about guns

and what they represent. So, I guess we’re dealing with all these aspects.

Evan Nappen 09:28

But if you want to get a 1911A1, which I would highly suggest, from the CMP. I have two of them.

Okay? it is really great that as soon as President Trump got in office, suddenly, the supplies of 1911A1

pistols, actual military, Army issue, guns have again become available. You’re able to buy them directly

from the CMP. Go to their M 1911 web page. I’ll have a link to it in the Gun Lawyer transcript, and

here’s what’s really cool about it. So, originally, when these 1911s were available, you had to send in

your information and get a number. It was almost like a quasi-lottery. They finally gave you a call when

your gun was available, and you could get it. They called these “rounds”. So, they had a Round One, a

Round Two, a Round Three, and a Round Four. And they only allowed you to buy one of the guns.

They were of limited supply, and you could buy 1911.

Page – 5 – of 13Evan Nappen 10:39

I got my 1911. It’s a beautiful original, you know, collector grade, matching. A beautiful World War II,

1911. And I’m happy to get it directly from the military, essentially, when you buy through the CMP.

Well, they had a Round Four that they announced, and if you sent in again, they were going to do it

again, and they would allow you to have another one. Even if you owned one, you could own another

one. So, they were allowing now two of these great 1911s…. So, I sent my paperwork in and then didn’t

hear anything. And that’s because Biden, apparently his Administration, was not being very


Evan Nappen 11:20

Well, soon as our great President Trump took office, lo and behold, the supply started flowing again.

And what the CMP is doing is this. Anyone who had submitted on Round Four, there were a bunch of

folks, and according to the CMP, they had about 1300 to 1400 remaining orders from Round Four to

first fulfill. However, it is now open to anyone to get the 1911. You can order it, and you don’t have to

get that lottery number. You’re not part of that system, the old sequencing number system and all that.

You could actually go, and you can even order. If you’ve never bought one before, you can actually

order even two of them. They will allow you to buy two now.

Evan Nappen 12:14

The one that I got, my second 1911 that came from the CMP is really a fascinating gun. It is a Colt

original military issue frame, but it has a slide and a barrel that is marked “TZ”. And I’m like, what the

hell is “TZ”? I’d never seen that before. Well, these are actual government guns. So, what’s “TZ”? Well,

I found out that “TZ” is actually the Israeli, you know, IMI, Israeli Military Industries. I think maybe at the

time it was IWI, but it’s the Israeli parts, Israeli frame. I mean Israeli slide, not the frame. Israeli slide

and Israeli barrel. And what the Government did was purchase these parts, I think it was in the 80s,

from Israel to refurbish the 1911s. So, I think most of these guns that got refurbished went to the

Marines, who did not readily adapt. They wanted to go with the Berettas way back. They still like the

.45, at least, that’s my understanding. So, what’s really cool is this is a U.S. Government pistol that is

both U.S. Government and Israeli parts purchased by the U.S. Government, made in Israel. And then

the gun is completely redone by the Government armorers, etcetera. And they are available. And that’s

one that I got from my second one 1911 from the CMP. And I think it’s really cool.

Evan Nappen 14:01

So, you can, today, go to CMP (thecmp.org), and what it says is, you can put your new order in.

They’re not using the random generated numbers, and you’ll get an email confirmation of your new

order. They have a large supply of these, and they’ll contact you and you’ll be able to buy it. I think they

have three grades. I suggest buying the highest grade that they’re offering. They’re pretty reasonably

priced. These guns, essentially, I believe, are probably worth twice what you pay when you get one

from the CMP. They come in a beautiful, hard case, and they come with Certificate of Authenticity from

the CMP, and they’re just great guns. So, I’d highly recommend checking out the CMP and their 1911


Page – 6 – of 13Evan Nappen 14:56

You also can buy M1 Garand Rifles. If you’ve never done that, I bought a number of Garand rifles from

the CMP. They have great stuff. And by buying from the CMP, you also help the CMP promote

marksmanship, because they’re funded by their gun sales. So, this is how it was set up. It used to be

the DCM (Division of Civilian Marksmanship). Before that, it used to have the National Board for the

Promotion of Rifle Practice. The idea is to have a nation of marksmen, and this helps improve shooting

and marksmanship. It is a pro-gun effort, incorporating into the federal government. Selling these great

military guns so that the CMP can do its job in promoting marksmanship throughout the land.

Evan Nappen 15:49

And the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs is a CMP affiliate. (anjrpc.org) So, in order to

buy a gun from CMP, you also need to belong to a CMP organization, and the Association of New

Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs is one of those organizations. So, by joining the Association, which you

really should do, not only are you going to fight for gun rights in New Jersey and be part of the solution,

be part of the fight in which the Association has going against the horrible gun laws in Jersey. Both in

the courts, fighting the assault firearm law, the mag law and the Carry Killer bill and the slew of other

things, but also in Trenton, where they have a fulltime paid lobbyist. We’ve talked about a number of

these bills, these threats, particularly the last show and the Association is on it.

Evan Nappen 16:49

As a matter of fact, they just sent out an email released just last week, mentioning and putting forward

the Gun Lawyer podcast where we got into that horrible Gulag issue, where New Jersey is just going to

be locking up gun owners with no bail. So, you want to be part of the Association. Join the Association.

Yet another benefit of the Association is it paves the way for you to be able to buy a 1911 from the


Evan Nappen 17:22

I also want to mention our good friends at WeShoot. WeShoot is a range in Lakewood, New Jersey.

Central Jersey. It is a great resource. A beautiful indoor range right there in Lakewood, easily

accessible off the Parkway. It’s where I shoot and Teddy shoots. Our family shoots and where we got

our training and our certifications. You can do the same right there. They have great programs and

great training. They are a great bunch of folks. I love them all. They’re just wonderful. They’ll treat you

like gold. And if you go to WeShoot, they are offering some great specials. They’re offering a

Springfield 1911 TRP CC, a concealed carry masterpiece. If you love the 1911 as I do and you want a

nice concealed carry 1911, you can check out the Springfield there at WeShoot. They also have a

Canik METE SFX Pro, which is built for competitive shooting. It has enhanced ergonomics, a crisp

trigger and superior accuracy right out of the box.

Evan Nappen 18:31

They also have a Smith and Wesson Model 19 Carry Comp. Now, for those of you that love wheel

guns, this is a classic. This is a Smith wheel gun, a revolver that blends a classic design with a modern

compensator for reduced recoil and smooth shooting. They also have Savior Cable Locks so you can

make sure you keep your gun safe. WeShoot offers great products. They have a great pro shop and

great training courses to meet every need. For getting your carry. For getting your CCARE certification.

Page – 7 – of 13For getting your out-of-state carry or your non-resident carries. Check out WeShoot at

weshootusa.com. That’s their website. WeShootUSA.com.

Evan Nappen 19:24

Now is when I shamelessly promote my book, which is New Jersey Gun Law. It is the Bible of New

Jersey gun law. It is the book you must have. It’s the only book of its kind that explains New Jersey gun

law. It’s over 500 pages with 120 topics, all in a question and answer format, so that even you can

understand New Jersey gun law by having my book. When you get the book, make sure you scan the

QR code on the front. That’ll let you subscribe to my private subscriber base, and you can then get, for

free, the 2025 Comprehensive Update that fully updates the book. And as any of these new laws pass,

as there’s any new developments, I let all my subscribers know. You’ll be able to download updates for

free, so your book stays current. In order to get your copy today, go to EvanNappen.com. You’ll see the

big orange book. Just click it and get your copy of the indispensable New Jersey gun law guide.

Evan Nappen 20:33

Hey, Teddy. You have your Press Checks segment. What do you want to talk about today on Press


Teddy Nappen 20:43

Oh, I just want to take another moment and thank the Lord so much that we have President Trump right

now. My God, the level of corruption that he has revealed to this country, and the amount of wins that

we’ve been getting to the point right now. Tomorrow, they’re going to be releasing the Epstein list. So, I

can’t wait to see all those celebrity pedophiles get revealed. But to kind of take a step back and look at

some of the big highlights.

Evan Nappen 21:15

Wait, Teddy, on that Epstein list, I just saw something very interesting.

Teddy Nappen 21:18

Oh yeah?

Evan Nappen 21:19

Breaking now that New York has withheld over 200 pages of investigative documents on Epstein that

they did not supply to the FBI. Bondi has demanded it, and they’re going to get that and release it, too.

They’ve given a warning to New York with a deadline to provide all those documents as well. So, the

cover up goes even deeper and on it.

Teddy Nappen 21:52

Well, that will look great on Hochul for her. You know, trying to stop Trump and his fight. But going into

that, one of the biggest things that that Trump has fought with musk and showing the fraud under,

everyone’s favorite, USAID funding. You know, the one that sent $50 million worth of condoms to

Africa, 1.5 million to Serbia for diversity, equity, inclusion. You know all the wonderful programs and

things that you know, we as a taxpayer, you wanted this right? $47,000 for a transgender opera in

Page – 8 – of 13Columbia. Well, it goes a lot deeper. And in fact, it has been using this money. We’ve been paying,

Dad, for the anti-gun movement. Our tax dollars have been used.

Evan Nappen 22:48

Through USAID? How does foreign aid corruption and waste go to the anti-gun movement? How does

that happen?

Teddy Nappen 22:56

Well, well, quite simple. The U.S. Agency of International Development has been sending quite a bit of

money, millions of dollars, to the Open Society Foundation, run by everyone’s favorite, George Soros.

Oh, you know, and when asked about it, he just screamed, the Jews are in the attic and then ran away.

But it goes so much deeper. They have sent millions of dollars. By the way, all that foundation does is

fund the Democrats and their anti-gun agenda, all their campaigns. You see the push under the Biden

Administration. They’re the ones that even created the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. That was

Soros all the way through. The money that we were fronting was going to them, which then went to all

these anti-gun attacks on our rights.

Teddy Nappen 23:52

To go even deeper, one of the biggest things they were funding was an intense campaign against the

Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. You know, the thing that protects the gun manufacturers

from the frivolous lawsuits trying to create a gun desert, which they tried through the ATF by going after

dealers. Now, they were trying to go after gun manufacturers. They’re trying to sue gun companies.

You know, it’s not about the person. It’s about the weapon. Of course, that makes perfect sense. It goes

so much deeper. Because now USAID was funding EveryTown for Gun Safety and Giffords, everyone’s

favorite groups. All the main anti-gun groups that have been pushing and that actually got their

positions in the Office of Gun Violence Prevention were whispering in Biden’s, what’s left of faculties,

more like just talking to his aides because Biden was Vice President. Sorry, Vice President Biden.

Respect the office. They were the ones telling his aides of what to do and what ways to attack our

rights under his Administration. Also, everyone’s favorite, you know. Do you know, Dad, you are owed a

subscription to Politico because we’ve been paying Politico $34 million since 2014 through USAID.

Funneling money to Politico.

Evan Nappen 25:23

Who would want a subscription to the ultra left progressive Politico? Right?

Teddy Nappen 25:28

I know, right? I mean all those anti-gun articles attacking the Second Amendment rights. Caught

dancing in the blood of dead children every chance they got. You know, we were paying for that. It’s

just quite disgusting. The level of things that that this has under, like just, and I saw one of the DOGE

people. It’s this deaf woman who’s there. A very brilliant woman goes on there and is doing an interview

signing. And it’s like all the discovery of a $14 million rip off Muppet Show on how our elections are fair

and safe, which she signed? I can’t really do the sign. This is bullshit.

Page – 9 – of 13Teddy Nappen 26:16

That’s what she actually signed?

Teddy Nappen 26:18

She signed it there, and they didn’t set and they bullshit, but they still can use that sign a lot funnier,

yeah? Like, it’s just of absolute insanity. Funding Al Qaeda affiliate fighters. Funding of tourism to

Egypt. Like, yeah, Egypt is having trouble with tourism? $6 million? Why would we do millions to sex

change operations in Guatemala? Like it’s just every like you could if you ever want to get very angry

for a fight, just read the list on the White House website.


Evan Nappen 26:58

What they squeeze every penny out of us for, you know, and then put it to this stuff. I mean, this stuff

would embarrass drunken sailors the way they’re wasting money, you know. You’re insulting drunken

sailors when with the kind of if you even refer to what they’re doing as that. It’s amazing how bad it is.

Absolutely amazing. And here it’s even going to gun rights oppression. So, it’s really great that they’re

cleaning that up, and I’m glad you brought it to our attention, Teddy.

Evan Nappen 27:31

Hey, let me mention here we have some great letters from our beloved listeners. This is from Jeff. Jeff

says, here’s one for you. It’s legal to possess hollow point rounds in your home, but you can’t be driving

around in your car with hollow point rounds. How are you supposed to get them home from the store

without committing a felony?

Evan Nappen 27:56

Okay, Jeff, that’s a fair question, and I’m going to give you a very specific legal answer. Hollow point,

hollow nose, “dumb, dumb ammo”. That’s what New Jersey likes to call it. Is prohibited. But then there

are exemptions, and the exemptions are found in the law under what is subsection d2, of N.J.S. 2C:39-

3. Under that 2C:39-3, subsection f., that’s where the hollow nose bullet prohibition is. However, if you

don’t know this, and apparently, Jeff, I’m not blaming you, this is why I’m here to help educate folks on

this. You have to know to go down to the exemptions under subsection g. Then you have section one,

and then you go to d. So, it’s technically G, 1d, then go to Section two, parentheses, a. I’m not kidding.

That’s how convoluted it is to get to the exemption that answers Jeff’s question.

Evan Nappen 29:27

But nonetheless, when you’ve made your entire life calling and career studying this insanity, you get to

find these things, and I love sharing them with you. Jeff, here’s how you transport them from place of

purchase to your home. There is a specific exemption that says nothing in paragraph one of subsection

f., and that’s the prohibition on hollow point ammo, shall be construed to prevent a person from keeping

such ammunition at his dwelling, premises, or other land owned or possessed by him, or from carrying

such ammunition from place of purchase to said dwelling or land. Then it also has further says, nothing

shall prevent any licensed retail or wholesale firearms dealer from possessing such ammunition,

provided they maintain a record of it. So, there is an exemption that allows you to bring that ammunition

Page – 10 – of 13to your home where it’s legal for you to possess it, and that is how we do it. Thanks, Jeff, for a great


Evan Nappen 30:51

And then I have yet another question from Jeff, and I appreciate all the questions. Jeff asks good

questions, and here’s what he says. Hi, Evan. This is a question for the podcast. I listen every week.

And of course, I’m a proud member of every organization you would want. And an owner of your

amazing. New Jersey is not a stop and ID state. I guess owner of your amazing, he meant to say, my

book, my amazing book. Okay, I appreciate it, but that’s okay. It says, which is surprising, since our

state government seems spent on violating every right they can think of. Nevertheless, an officer can’t

just walk up to you and ask for ID without reasonable suspicion. However, if an officer does make such

unsolicited, unnecessary contact, but I’m concealed carrying my sidearm with my permit, of course, I do

believe I’m obligated to immediately inform the officer that I’m carrying and show my permit. Does this

not eradicate my right to privacy and protection from unreasonable search and seizure of just

exercising my second amendment right?

Evan Nappen 32:05

Well, I believe this is, in fact, such a violation, and this requirement is in all likelihood unconstitutional.

But you don’t want to be the test case. For now, you need to follow the law, and the law does require

this. It specifically says in the law that a holder of a Permit to Carry a handgun, if stopped or detained

by a law enforcement officer, so that’s the standard. If you’re stopped or detained while carrying a

handgun in public or traveling with a handgun in a motor vehicle, shall immediately disclose to the law

enforcement officer they’re carrying a handgun, or that a handgun is stored in the vehicle, and then you

have to display your permit to carry the handgun. If you fail to disclose, that’s a felony level offense in

New Jersey, a fourth degree, up to 18 months in State Prison. If you fail to have your permit on your

person to show them, then that’s six months in the county jail as a disorderly person’s offense. And of

course, if you have any of those violations, they’re also going to follow up on taking away your license

and taking away your gun rights in New Jersey. So, beware. It’s important.

Teddy Nappen 33:21

Do you remember? Do you remember the movie Firefox with Clint Eastwood? When he’s in the Soviet

Union, and it’s just “your papers are out of order.”

Evan Nappen 33:31

Oh yeah. Very appropriate. That could be New Jersey’s new state motto actually.

Speaker 3 33:36

Your carry permits, your permits are out of order.

Evan Nappen 33:41

Right. Don’t be surprised if you end up in that exact situation. So, now what’s interesting, the question

about the Duty to Disclose and about whether you can carry hollow nose or not, we always get into

these issues regarding the proper safe carry, which what Jersey calls it. And one of the issues that’s

come up that I wanted to mention is, what is a lawful holster? Because we’ve also gotten information

Page – 11 – of 13from sources where there’s something out there, either online or being repeated, saying that you

cannot carry your handgun in a shoulder holster in New Jersey. And that is absolutely false. If anyone

is telling you you can’t carry in a shoulder holster, it’s not true.

Evan Nappen 34:41

New Jersey’s law on holsters is pretty clear, and you can find this law so you can even read it for

yourself. It is found in the Carry Permit application law that sets out under N.J.S. 2C:58-4, which lays

out the procedures for getting a carry permit. But in that long law, if you go to subsection h., it defines

what a holster is. The definition of holster says, for purposes of this section, a holster means a device

or sheath that securely retains a handgun, which a shoulder holster would do, and, at a minimum,

conceals and protects the main body of the firearm, which your shoulder holster needs to do. It needs

to conceal and protect the main body of the firearm and maintain the firearm in a consistent and

accessible position. And again, shoulder holsters do that. And render the trigger covered and

inaccessible while the handgun is fully seated in the holster. So, you just need a shoulder holster that

covers the handgun, that covers the trigger, that puts it in a readily accessible position in this manner,

and then make sure your shoulder holster is concealed. Make sure you have your jacket or whatever

the covering is that you’re wearing, and that it conceals your shoulder holster. But if your gun is in a

shoulder holster that meets those requirements, then you are New Jersey legal, and that’s all there is to

it. So, if you’re hearing anything contrary to that, you can say Evan Nappen said that’s not the case.

And you can point them to the show and point them to the law that I just gave you.

Evan Nappen 36:59

Now let me get to our.

Teddy Nappen 37:01

You’re going to screw over. They’re going to screw over Wild Bill Hickock with his cross draw.

Speaker 1 37:07

Yeah, that’s right. Cross draws are okay, and shoulder holsters are okay. As long as you’re meeting

that definition of holster and it’s concealed on your person in that manner, then you’re fine, absolutely.

Now, this week’s segment of the GOFU, which is a Gun Owner Fuck Up, one of the most popular

segments of the show, because you, the listener, get to learn valuable lessons on the cheap, where

you learn from others mistakes. Now this is not necessarily a mistake at all. However, it illustrates what

could be a mistake, and therefore I want to read this letter. It’s a good letter, but it is something that is a

warning so that you don’t commit a GOFU that can be avoided.

Evan Nappen 37:58

This is from Ian. Ian from Texas wrote me Mr. Nappen. My parents moved down to Texas from the tri-

state area in the 1980s. I was eventually born here in Texas. I actually have family still living in and

around the area, and I visited a good few times in my lifetime. I’ve even recently made a decision to

make about making time to drive up there, as I don’t fly for personal reasons. It was the first time I’ve

had to make that decision. Every time I’ve had to decide whether or not to make that drive. I knew how

bad the gun laws are in New Jersey, which include I-90 or other throughway, which you can mistakenly

end up if you get lost in New York City. I’ve been listening to the show for many years now. Before

Page – 12 – of 13every hearing of the show, I already knew how bad the gun laws are here in New Jersey. By some off

chance, there is a casing, a random cartridge, left in my car or backpack from last shooting session I

was here in Texas. I knew I might spend years in prison. It’s always been a hassle for me to consider

making my plans, which also means I do not ever want to step another foot in New Jersey, which is

unfortunate. I’d love to see every inch of my country, and I’m pretty sure I’ll never see New Jersey

again. I was in Newark a few times across the river because of the airport. I wanted to send you an

email for a while. I’m absolutely fascinated by how draconian the laws are up there. And yes, that’s

something Gun Lawyer wants to do, make it clear to the rest of America that you don’t ever want to

become like New Jersey. And I’m glad that you’re seeing that. It says I’ve listened to every podcast that

you’ve been putting out for years now. I’m shocked by what New Jersey does to their own citizens.

Evan Nappen 39:40

I was pulled over recently speeding here in Texas. The first thing I told the trooper was, I’m left handed

and armed on my left hip. I understand. I did not have to say anything, but it’s a good policy down here.

He asked me what it was. I said, a SIG P365. We started talking about how awesome they are and how

they made it its standard issue for the Texas State Troopers. And this is how it should work. I carry

every day everywhere with a loaded 9mm, plus one and a safety. I always do pray occasionally that

y’all up there in New Jersey finally get your God given rights allowed to you, and you’re the one of the

people trying your best to make that happen. I wish you the best of luck with the courts. You don’t need

my encouragement. You’re already fighting the good fight. Our gun laws here in Texas were pretty

messed up for a long time, but we finally came along 150 years after the Civil War. God bless you in

your fight, Ian, Thank you, Ian.

Evan Nappen 40:42

And the GOFU is really pretty simple. If you can avoid New Jersey, and you have a gun, avoid New

Jersey. I get so many non-residents that have problems. It’s bad enough that we’re in New Jersey and

have to deal with the New Jersey laws. But if you are driving and you can avoid New Jersey, drive

around New Jersey. Go through Pennsylvania, etc. Do it. The GOFU itself is New Jersey.

Evan Nappen 41:21

This is Evan Nappen, reminding you that gun laws don’t protect honest citizens from criminals. They

protect criminals from honest citizens.

Speaker 2 41:30

Gun Lawyer is a Counter Think Media production. The music used in this broadcast was managed by

Cosmo Music, New York, New York. Reach us by emailing [email protected]. The information and

opinions in this broadcast do not constitute legal advice. Consult a licensed attorney in your state.

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About The Host

Evan Nappen, Esq.

Known as “America’s Gun Lawyer,” Evan Nappen is above all a tireless defender of justice. Author of eight bestselling books and countless articles on firearms, knives, and weapons history and the law, a certified Firearms Instructor, and avid weapons collector and historian with a vast collection that spans almost five decades — it’s no wonder he’s become the trusted, go-to expert for local, industry and national media outlets.

Regularly called on by radio, television and online news media for his commentary and expertise on breaking news Evan has appeared countless shows including Fox News – Judge Jeanine, CNN – Lou Dobbs, Court TV, Real Talk on WOR, It’s Your Call with Lyn Doyle, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk, and Cam & Company/NRA News.

As a creative arts consultant, he also lends his weapons law and historical expertise to an elite, discerning cadre of movie and television producers and directors, and novelists.

He also provides expert testimony and consultations for defense attorneys across America.

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