Mar 09 2025 33 mins 25
Searchable Podcast Transcript
Gun Lawyer– Episode 228
Gun Lawyer, Phil Murphy, firearms tax, ammunition tax, firearms ID card, carry permits, Second Amendment, institutionalized racism, law enforcement, mental health services, gun violence, out-of- state purchases, gun licensing, Springfield Armory, gun control.
Speaker 2, Evan Nappen, Teddy Nappen
Teddy Nappen 00:15 I’m Evan Nappen.
Teddy Nappen 00:17 And I’m Teddy Nappen.
Evan Nappen 00:18
And welcome to Gun Lawyer. So, (New Jersey Governor) Phil Murphy has a BOHICA (bend over, here it comes again) for gun owners in New Jersey. Yes, that’s right. He is pushing to increase fees across the board for gun permits and firearms and ammo sales. And what they’re proposing is possibly some of the most extreme fee increases that we’ve ever seen anywhere. ( 2a-rights-n1227859)
Teddy Nappen 00:54
Gotta pay for all the illegals, right?
Evan Nappen 00:57
Something like that. Murphy’s budget, which he put out toward the end of February, is looking for, first of all, a 2.5% excise tax on all firearms sales and a 10% tax on ammunition purchases. And of course, that’s in addition to the Sales Tax that you already pay on ammunition and firearms. Additionally, he’s proposing to raise the Firearms ID Card fee, which is currently $5, to $100. Keep in mind that FIDs are no longer valid for life. Every 10 years, you’re going to have to renew it, unless you have one of the old cards, that’s a life card. And if you don’t, you can figure another 100 there, and that, of course, doesn’t include the fingerprint fee that they stick us with. Then he’s looking to raise carry permits, ready for this? From 50 bucks to as much as one, sorry strike that, not one, two, no sorry, strike that, three, no sorry, $400, folks. Four hundred dollars.
Evan Nappen 02:50
Then, of course, you’re going to see the experience of trying to exercise Second Amendment rights in New Jersey reserved for the wealthy. This is yet more of the Democrats institutionalized racism
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because of minorities in greater proportion, being those of lower economic standing than non- minorities. So, this is a direct, this is up there with the poll tax. The idea of poll tax.
Teddy Nappen 03:36
Going back to their roots, again.
Evan Nappen 03:38
Right. Going back to the roots of racism and
Evan Nappen 03:43
Elitism. Right. So, this is their plan. They’re looking to push this fee increase, and they are estimating that this will bring in $9 million additionally, which Murphy is claiming will help support law enforcement and mental health services. And ready for this, folks? Efforts to combat gun violence. And you know that’s their code words for gun rights oppression. So, they want to help you and us and me and all the folks out there that believe in the Second Amendment, to help destroy the Second Amendment by funding its oppression in New Jersey.
Teddy Nappen 03:43 Democrats.
Teddy Nappen 04:34
Oh, yeah, that because the USAID check didn’t clear.
Evan Nappen 04:39
Right. The USAID check. Yeah, I guess that’s how they want to make up for their policies for reducing federal funding and put it on the oppression of Second Amendment rights. Now, of course, there’s going to be collateral consequences if this passes. It’ll mean that folks will simply go across the border to Pennsylvania and buy all the ammo they want there and not pay the 10% tax. And not have to pay, by the way, when you buy ammo, you still have to pay that ammo check, background registration fee on ammo in New Jersey, and that won’t happen. So, you’ll save lots of money buying out of state, and a lot of folks, of course, are going to do that.
Evan Nappen 05:29
And even with firearms, you can buy long arms out of state and that’s legal under Federal law. Now, of course, you’re currently restricted to having to purchase handguns in your home state, but there are efforts to undo that and allow for out-of-state purchases. This taxation is yet another tool in the oppressionists toolbox, and they’re not ignoring it in New Jersey. The idea behind this is, of course, to discourage gun ownership. Discourage it at every turn. They somehow think that this is perceived as doing good. When, in fact, it is doing evil, and it is in line with their agenda. Their agenda that is also funded, and this will let them get even more money when they put these things through, from Soros and Bloomberg and others for doing their bidding. They are the puppets of the anti-gun, anti-rights, gun rights oppressionists that fund their campaigns and these activities. So, when they can do this, they are doing their bidding. And so, this is
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Teddy Nappen 07:06
I’d be very curious if this is because the left has always argued that they’re against regressive taxes that disparately affect lower income individuals. I’d want to look at the people, the average personal income, for who buy guns. Because I feel like people that definitely aren’t in, you know, multi- millionaires buying firearms, particularly ones that are looking to just arm themselves for self-defense, that this will hurt those very communities that they claim they’re protecting.
Evan Nappen 07:34
And that’s what we see. We’ve seen, as we’ve talked about on the show, the disproportionate, incredible disproportionate, licensing denial rates to minorities. This will further their agenda on the poor and underprivileged, who still have a Constitutional right to defend themselves, but they want to make it unaffordable for folks. This all is in conformance with the overall Democrat agenda, which is suppression. Keep the folks on the new plantation, which is what they do. And you see it here. They are unbelievable hypocrites, and they always put their agenda first.
Evan Nappen 08:29
For example, if you watched that tremendous speech that President Trump gave, and there he goes in one of the most moving moments of the speech, when the young boy, who has battled brain cancer for six years and happens to be black, as well, and Trump makes him a Secret Service Agent. We’re sure you saw that. If you didn’t, you need to watch it. The young boy gives a huge hug to the head of the Secret Service, who was also the same agent who was standing beside President Trump when he was shot. And they (the Democrats) did not stand even for a young black boy being honored by the President, because their agenda of hatred to the President exceeds that, and their racism becomes evident yet again. Yet, they are the ones that love to call the other side. But you could imagine, if that had been reversed.
Teddy Nappen 09:46 Yeah.
Evan Nappen 09:47
What they’d be saying. What they would be saying. And the thing is, it wouldn’t be reversed. Because the Republicans have stood and applauded even during Biden speeches for worthy individuals who he has honored. So, it is a one-sided, unbelievable, tone deaf reaction, and yet, here you see it again.
Teddy Nappen 10:10
I was waiting for Trump because he, because DJ, the kid, was made an honorary member of the Secret Service. I wanted him to escort out Al Green, just to set the
Evan Nappen 10:22
Ha, ha, ha. Yeah, it could have been his first duty, right?
Teddy Nappen 10:25 I know, right?
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Evan Nappen 10:25 Hold my hand. Yeah.
Teddy Nappen 10:28
And then he takes and rips the cane out of Al Green’s hand. And, you know, what was it? What was it? I demand a caning for the individual for speaking out of turn.
Evan Nappen 10:37
That was his pimp cane that he was carrying.
Evan Nappen 10:39
As he sells out to the special interests. And, of course, he just got censured by the House, including 10 Democrats. I give them credit. Ten Democrats joined.
Teddy Nappen 10:40 Yeah, his.
Teddy Nappen 10:41 I know.
Evan Nappen 10:44
In censoring him, which is really something. Finally, even they are realizing
Teddy Nappen 11:01 Unfortunately
Evan Nappen 11:02 the error of their ways.
Teddy Nappen 11:03
Unfortunately, Geico will be canceling his contract to work in their “even a caveman can do it” commercial.
Evan Nappen 11:12
I guess so, because he apparently can’t do it.
Teddy Nappen 11:15 Can’t talk.
Evan Nappen 11:17
Yeah, it’s just more ridiculousness. So, you know, Teddy and I had a very interesting experience that I want to talk to our great listeners about. Teddy and I try to get our non-resident carry permits from the states that offer them, and I’m sure that many of you do that as well, so that we can maximize our ability to be defenders instead of victims. And
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Teddy Nappen 11:48
I just like to be fingerprinted a lot.
Evan Nappen 11:50
Yeah, right. Right, that’s always a pleasure. But this experience has to be the award winning permit experience yet. Teddy and I both applied to get our non-resident carry license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Now I thought New Jersey was pretty bad, but New Jersey is, you know, like Alabama and Florida now compared to Massachusetts. I mean, Massachusetts was unbelievable. We applied back in January of 2024, and they did not issue the license until 13 months later. And the ironic thing is, the MA license itself is only valid for a year. So, it literally took Massachusetts longer to issue the license than the license is valid for. We have to do a renewal within that year
Teddy Nappen 13:03
Which they recommend for us to put in the renewal three months prior for it to expire.
Evan Nappen 13:11
I’ve spoken to folks including a person who actually worked in the gun licensing
Teddy Nappen 13:19 firearms bureau.
Evan Nappen 13:20
Yeah, their firearms bureau, who later left and has seen the light. He actually works in the pro-gun area now, and he told me that they actually had a meeting to figure out how to discourage applicants. How to make it as difficult as possible and create hurdles to use the licensing system for discouragement and Second Amendment oppression. What they do now is this. When you apply and send in your application, they then will send you that you have to personally go to Chelsea, Massachusetts. If you want a Massachusetts non-resident carry, you have to travel to Massachusetts so they can “personally interview you and personally fingerprint you.” Even though they have the ability and even New Jersey utilizes a system where you can do your prints without having to go to New Jersey to do it. Mass. insists that you see them personally.
Evan Nappen 14:31
And when we applied in January 2024, they did not schedule the “personal appearance” that’s mandatory for us until September 2024. It wasn’t until September that we could even get that done. That’s when they schedule you. They send you the date and time and place, and if you can’t make it, too damn bad. You don’t get to change it. They say, this is it. That’s when you’ve got to be there. When you show up there, they ask you questions, and they print you and photograph you. And yet, even from September 2024, it still took until the end of February 2025, and we finally received it in March. Till the very end of February 2025 and actually receiving it in March 2025, to get the non-resident carry out of Massachusetts. A right delayed is a right denied. So, the permit system itself becomes a tool of oppression, and this needs to end. I mean, it’s got to be fixed. It’s just an outrage.
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Teddy Nappen 15:49
Now, this does lead to a positive. You could turn it around and make it a positive. Let’s say I’m from Florida and I need to go in for this stupid meet and greet with their bureaucrat just to fingerprint you. You should say, all right, go to Springfield Armory. ( Go see Uncle Sam’s gun collection.
Evan Nappen 16:08
Yeah, you better make the most out of it.
Teddy Nappen 16:10 I know, right?
Evan Nappen 16:11
If you’re forced to have to go to Massachusetts, then at least,
Teddy Nappen 16:16
Honey, I know we want to do, you know, Disney or not Disney, Universal. Disney sucks. Let’s go to Massachusetts. We will have very much fun, and I just need to stop by to get fingerprinted.
Evan Nappen 16:29
Yeah, that’s all. That’s a good one. Why not? And the thing about Springfield Armory, you know, we’ve been there. It’s really great. Springfield Armory.
Teddy Nappen 16:39 Yeah.
Evan Nappen 16:39
And it’s the only National Park that’s essentially not a park. It’s just a building with this incredible collection of historic firearms. And it’s a great experience and an awesome place. The funny thing is, they were telling me, even at Springfield Armory, that they’re treated poorly by all the other National Parks because they’re only about guns and a building full of guns. And, you know, apparently, the rest of the National Park system kind of turns their nose up at Springfield Armory.
Teddy Nappen 17:22
I want Trump to, like, I want Trump to do an Executive Order where he’s like, from now on, the top National Park is Springfield Armory.
Evan Nappen 17:23 Ha, ha. ha.
Teddy Nappen 17:38
Like, a whole celebration where everyone goes there just to ramp it up.
Evan Nappen 17:43
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That would be great.
Teddy Nappen 17:44 Yeah.
Evan Nappen 17:45
Watch out. He may rename it. He’s renaming a lot of things, you know. I don’t know.
Teddy Nappen 17:51
Maybe it would be the Carbine Williams Armory.
Evan Nappen 17:58
Ha, ha, ha. There you go. Hey, he can honor a convicted felon.
Teddy Nappen 18:04 A fellow conviction.
Evan Nappen 18:05 And a gun guy.
Teddy Nappen 18:07 Yeah.
Evan Nappen 18:07
At the same time. Carbine Williams, of course, was the innovator of the M1 Carbine that helped us win World War II. I like that. That’s great.
Evan Nappen 18:17
That’s a great idea. Yeah. Well, what a great movie, too. Carbine Williams with James Stewart. Jimmy Stewart. If you ever get a chance, make sure you watch Carbine Williams. Great movie.
Teddy Nappen 18:17 There you go.
Teddy Nappen 18:30
Yeah, I was in a box, and I was just thinking to myself. I wanted to make. Kept building guns. Taking apart guns. Then I got this idea for a new gun, and I built it in prison.
Evan Nappen 18:42
Now, all I gotta do is convince the warden to let me build a gun in prison. Yeah, you could do that today, right? Yeah, he’d be like, oh, prosecute him for attempting to make a ghost gun in prison. Thank you.
Teddy Nappen 18:55
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Making an assault firearm.
Evan Nappen 18:57
Yeah, exactly. Which actually the M1 Carbine is an assault firearm in New Jersey. So, no. He manufactured an assault fire while in prison to help save us from losing World War II. There you go. So, that’s what New Jersey gun control will help prevent. Winning the next war. Teddy, why don’t you tell us about your Press Checks for this week?
Teddy Nappen 19:27
Well, as we know, Press Checks are always free. And again, just saying, thank you to President Trump, once more. Just the wins across the board, you know. You could see the news cycle. There’s just been piles of great things. Some things, you know, whatever, fine. But it kind of got swept under the rug. This is probably the most hilarious attempt to attack the gun manufacturers I’ve ever seen. So, you know, Mexico, they were trying to go after our gun manufacturers, because their argument for tariffs is like, well, well, Mr. Trump, you’re trying to stop us for the fentanyl and the drugs. So, we’re gonna stop you on your guns getting over the border.
Teddy Nappen 20:13
And Mexico launched this suit against multiple gun manufacturers. By the way, all of them have been dismissed except for two. The big one is Smith and Wesson. So, it was a challenge, basically trying to circumvent the PLCAA, which is the Protection of Lawful Commerce and Arms Act, to go after directly the gun manufacturers. And, my God, you’ve never seen it where you even the Democrat justices deciding like, yeah, you guys have gone a bridge too far. So, to give you a little bit of perspective here, you know, first of all a prayer to thank Justice Thomas, who in his very monotone but precise manner of jabbing, how is your suit different from the type of suits that prompted the passage of the PLCAA? To which, they had no counter.
Evan Nappen 20:13 Yeah, right.
Teddy Nappen 21:19
The other one I was very shocked with. You know, just, every time, just mic drop with Thomas, of course. The other one, which was very shocking, the extremely left, by the way, this is the same justice who said the Second Amendment is a privilege, not a right. That is this, that is this justice. You know, it was, let me go to it. It was Justice Jackson who expressed her concern that the absence of certain specifics in the Mexican lawsuit actually bolster. Because they didn’t name any dealers that were selling guns to Mexico, to the cartels. They couldn’t point to any specific instances.
Evan Nappen 22:04
So, they didn’t have the linkage. They didn’t have the linkage.
Teddy Nappen 22:07
Nothing. And quite frankly, the best example, I love this, is what you’re trying to do is, you’re trying to go after Budweiser for drunk driving.
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Evan Nappen 22:20 There you go.
Teddy Nappen 22:21
That’s your, that’s your play? They were trying to expand the proximate cause.
Evan Nappen 22:26
Now, here’s a question. Who’s behind this?
Teddy Nappen 22:30
Oh, well, thank you for asking. Because, of course, you have Mexico. As you dig a little deeper, if you actually click the SCOTUS link for all the different, you know, SCOTUS blogs. ( You can see, oh, look, a little Amicus filed by, oh, Giffords, EveryTown. You know, the things we fund thanks to USAID and the Violence Prevention of America. All the groups that we funded and.
Evan Nappen 23:01
Yeah, isn’t that amazing how the money went there to help spurn gun rights suppression.
Teddy Nappen 23:07 Yeah.
Evan Nappen 23:07 And to help.
Teddy Nappen 23:07 Oh, by the way.
Evan Nappen 23:08
So that a foreign country can try to destroy American Constitutional rights.
Teddy Nappen 23:15
Yeah. Oh, and I love their stickers, like we gotta stop the U.S. Arms. First of all, the cartels chopped off your mayor of the Mexican city and put them on a spike. So, not exactly, you know, basking in your safety in your culture. Secondly, only 17% of the guns found in Mexican crime scenes can be traced back to the U.S. Do you know where the rest are from? China. South America.
Evan Nappen 23:16 I’m so shocked.
Teddy Nappen 23:18
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Nicaragua. All the fully automatic guns are. Yeah, why don’t you sue China? Why don’t you sue all these other places? Oh, no, no, we got to go after the U.S. because, you know, this makes sense. Like, yeah. By the way, they already folded against Trump for the tariffs.
Evan Nappen 23:18 Oh, did they now?
Teddy Nappen 23:22
So, they’re gonna, actually. Yeah, now Trump put out. All right, we’ve come to a very good agreement. Gonna pause until April. Better put that security on the border. And if I see one ounce of fentanyl, they’re going back on.
Evan Nappen 24:18
Ha, ha, ha. Right. Well, then tariffs are a good tool. These ways. I understand that it’s like the most beautiful word.
Teddy Nappen 24:28
It is the most beautiful word in the English language. A lot of you go, a lot of people, not many people, but a lot of people say, it’s a beautiful word.
Evan Nappen 24:36
There you go. Well, I’m glad to know that. Hey, I also need to mention our good friends at WeShoot, which is also a beautiful word. WeShoot has some pretty cool specials and some interesting announcements. Number one, they have the Bull Armory AXE C Cleaver, a cutting edge handgun built for speed, precision and performance. Making it a standout choice for tactical and competitive shooters. Ever seen a Bull Armory AXE C Cleaver? It’s pretty cool. If not, go to WeShoot, and check it out. They’re also offering the Springfield Armory 1911 TRP, which is Springfield’s refined take on the classic 1911. It has match-grade accuracy and rugged reliability. Great gun.
Evan Nappen 25:33
Also, you know, WeShoot just had a very successful diversity shoot. They do the diversity shoots. You know, genuine diversity. They bring people together from all backgrounds to celebrate the Second Amendment. That’s right. The Second Amendment is everybody’s, and they celebrate that responsible gun ownership. They want to thank everyone who attended and supported that spectacular event. Also, WeShoot has Savior Equipment, PRO S.E.M.A. backpack. The ultimate range-ready pack, designed for serious shooters who need maximum storage and organization. So, check out WeShoot.
Evan Nappen 26:24
WeShoot has these great things. And I really think that AXE C cleaver is really cool. That’s a compact nine, and it has a slightly over four inch barrel. It’s got a 15 round mag capacity, but it’s 10 rounds, of course, in New Jersey. Because your life isn’t worth five more bullets according to New Jersey. It’s a striker-fired handgun, but it’s set up for everyday carry and use. It has very distinctive serrations and an enhanced grip. It comes with three dot sites. Its approximate weight is 1.3 pounds without the magazine. So, it is lightweight, and it’s easy to carry. It has an integrated flared magwell and side cuts
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and a high grip beaver tail, a double undercut trigger guard and a reversible magazine release. Comes with extended slide lock lever and the ambidextrous thumb rest. You know, I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous. And it has flat face trigger shoe and a 1913 Picatinny rail, aluminum guide rod, dimpled stainless steel pin. It’s available in black or silver. So, folks, check out that Cleaver. That’s a nice gun. Anyway, if you want to find out more, go to Great website. Great photos. It’s a great range. You can get your training there. You can get range time there. Best range right there in Central Jersey, easily off the parkway.
Evan Nappen 28:15
As we are engaging still in our fight to stop excessive taxation and every other gun rights oppression maneuver that those folks throw at us, you need to belong to the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, ANJRPC. That’s the NRA state affiliate for New Jersey. An umbrella organization of all the gun clubs, but they also have individual members as well, and you need to belong. They’re the group fighting in the courts, fighting the assault firearm ban, the large capacity magazine ban, and the Carry Killer law. They are really making a difference. They’re in Trenton with a full-time lobbyist. It is a tough battle, but we need everybody on board. Make sure you join ANJRPC today. You’ll be glad you did. You’ll be part of the solution, because you have done so.
Evan Nappen 29:18
And this is the moment when I shamelessly promote my book, New Jersey Gun Law, the Bible of New Jersey gun law. It’s over 500 pages with 120 topics, all in a question and answer format. It is the guidebook used by 1000s and 1000s of New Jersey gun owners, law enforcement, attorneys, judges, state police, you name it. It’s the book, and you need it. So that you can navigate this insane matrix we call New Jersey gun law, and that you don’t end up a GOFU. We don’t want to see that. So, if you want to get your copy, go to, E, v, a, n, and then Nappen like the word happen, but with an N. Nappen will make it happen. Go to and get your copy today. You’ll see the big orange book there. Just click it and order. And when you get the book, scan the cover the QR code and it’ll send you right to our private subscriber base. You subscribe for free, and it’s private. You will then be able to access the archives and download for free the 2025 Comprehensive Update. I’ve updated all the chapters. It’s all there for you so your book stays current. What if anything new comes about? If any of these god awful oppressionist laws pass, I’ll be sending out emails. If any of the case law changes in the courts, I’ll send out emails. This way you’re going to stay on top of the law changes and stay current. So, get your copy today.
Evan Nappen 31:02
Hey, as far as the most popular segment on the show, which is the GOFU, and the GOFU is, of course, the Gun Owner Fuck Up. These are expensive lessons learned by folks, and you can learn them for free and not have to endure the experience that the GOFU gave. And this week, I want to talk about distinguishing something that is important when it comes to Duty to Disclose. Now, you should know that New Jersey has a Duty to Disclose. This means that if you are stopped by police, you have that obligation, if you have a Permit to Carry a Handgun, to tell the officer that you have the handgun either concealed on your person or even if you’re transporting it unloaded in a box in the vehicle. You need to tell the officer that, and you need to have your permit, the actual permit, to show the officer. Failure to do those things are criminal offenses. So, you don’t want that to happen to you. But that’s not the
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GOFU. The GOFU is a little nuance that I want you all to be aware of. The nuance is this Duty to Disclose does not include rifles and shotguns. Duty to Disclose only applies to handguns. So, if you are transporting your rifles or shotguns to the range or hunting, you do not have to disclose that you have those firearms in your vehicle, and disclosing it when you don’t have to, can cause problems that you don’t need. Escalation, investigation. All those kind of things. And if you can avoid it, that’s what you want to do. And instead, if you disclose something you have no obligation to disclose, then you may, in fact, bring a GOFU upon yourself.
Evan Nappen 33:10
This is Evan Nappen and Teddy Nappen reminding you that gun laws don’t protect honest citizens from criminals. They protect criminals from honest citizens.
Speaker 2 33:25
Gun Lawyer is a CounterThink Media production. The music used in this broadcast was managed by Cosmo Music, New York, New York. Reach us by emailing [email protected]. The information and opinions in this broadcast do not constitute legal advice. Consult a licensed attorney in your state.
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About The Host

Evan Nappen, Esq.
Known as “America’s Gun Lawyer,” Evan Nappen is above all a tireless defender of justice. Author of eight bestselling books and countless articles on firearms, knives, and weapons history and the law, a certified Firearms Instructor, and avid weapons collector and historian with a vast collection that spans almost five decades — it’s no wonder he’s become the trusted, go-to expert for local, industry and national media outlets.
Regularly called on by radio, television and online news media for his commentary and expertise on breaking news Evan has appeared countless shows including Fox News – Judge Jeanine, CNN – Lou Dobbs, Court TV, Real Talk on WOR, It’s Your Call with Lyn Doyle, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk, and Cam & Company/NRA News.
As a creative arts consultant, he also lends his weapons law and historical expertise to an elite, discerning cadre of movie and television producers and directors, and novelists.
He also provides expert testimony and consultations for defense attorneys across America.
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