Feb 21 2025 34 mins 8
Hello, everyone!
Well, Grant is well on his way to finding love in Madrid, and I am here for it. Some Guy in Austin and I break down everything you need to know from Episode 4, including but not limited to:
* Is Grant melting Dina's Ice Queen persona?
* The gift of a Spanish rock: Is this romantic, and what are the odds that Parisa has a rock tumbler at home?
* Did Rose self-eliminate because she saw the writing on the wall? Or was she over-tired? Or both?
* Is Carolina ready to take the role of official season villain?
* And is Sarafiena your new favorite like she is mine?
I'm so glad she survived tandem bungee jumping in the rain. Of course, she will kiss Grant with the full force of her entire being. And the fact that she apologized to her mom afterward? She's awesome.
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