May 02 2023 63 mins 36
Snow White is one of the most recognized fairy tale stories and characters but, as usual, not many people are familiar with the Grimm version. Part one centers around Archetypal Evil and how it taints those who come into contact with it. The story is from Household Tales by Brothers Grimm and is read starting at 6:24 and ending at 24:55.Adina also recommends:* The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Pantheon Fairy Tale And Folklore Library). If attempting to purchase this, be sure it says, “with Padraic Colum (intro) and Joseph Campbell (commentary) and James Scharl (illustr)”. Amazon considers all versions to be the same book, so you could accidentally buy a copy without those key elements.
* Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales. Written by Marie-Louise von Franz.Our intro/outro music is from Antoni Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, performed by John Harrison with the Wichita State University Chamber Players. You can find the original at freemusicarchive.orgBanner Image: File:Schneewittchen2.jpg – Wikimedia CommonsEmail: [email protected]Twitter: @JEA_PodcastDiscord:
* Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales. Written by Marie-Louise von Franz.Our intro/outro music is from Antoni Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, performed by John Harrison with the Wichita State University Chamber Players. You can find the original at freemusicarchive.orgBanner Image: File:Schneewittchen2.jpg – Wikimedia CommonsEmail: [email protected]Twitter: @JEA_PodcastDiscord: