May 14 2023 59 mins 131
If you don't ask, she will shame it... Super prep... Katie's hair styles... Cooling off period for an new hair style... Katie almost got married... A pierced testicle update... The second nut has been stuck... Katie being nice to foreskin... Watts the Safeword on YouTube - you might learn something... Some scat poo play coming to us from Whang!... They got divorced because he wouldn't poo on her chest for a kink... Episode of "Rule 34"... Getting a dating profile match based on your porn search history... Getting pelted with dick on FetLife... Katie had some drama when she ridiculed someone's penis on Twitter... Some common sense rules on sending someone a dick pic (hint: it's consent)... Katie finds a squirt video she filmed a few years ago... The Lesbian Sex Mafia coined the word safeword for the kink community... Not going deep BDSM on this first date... How accurate is the sex injury database??? We know a few injuries that weren't reported... The man on TWitter that got double fisted... How much can you fit in a man's ass??? Hankey's sex toys... Cade, Kitty and consensual non consent... There's a morning after pill to help prevent STI's - doxycycline.