Mar 09 2025 60 mins 10
Some tech issues to start off with... International Woman's Day... Daytona bike week... Looking and sounding like you're a Florida Man... Testicle Festival... Katie's upcoming movies... An affordable way to join the mile high club without going to jail... Luigi nudes??? What is Chroming if not huffing... The World's first 3d printed erection helper... Some more electrified man's ED helper... The reverse cowgirl foot tickle trick... The Punisher was gay for pay when he was younger... Mother son love, in Utah, I'm shocked... The women that didn't like their goodie bag they got after having sex with one man... There are week long orgasm retreats just for women. Non of them are definitely not cults... Men sunning their buttholes... Getting mad because your partner is liking thirsty pics online... Severance - awesome show so far... Trad wife had no idea there would be this much anal involved in married life... Woman filmed herself having sex with her dog and sent it to her friend... Katie breaks all of her sex toys eventually... The woman who had a sex toy travel through the inside of her body during an MRI... Florida is only the 15th leading state for swingers.