Jan 03 2024 91 mins
Akash Inti Katakam actor, pick up artist, and freemason. We discuss it all in this episode.
The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson- is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/66eFLHQclKe5p3bMXsCTRH
RSS: https://www.learningwithlowell.com/feed/podcast/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzri06unR-lMXbl6sqWP_-Q
Youtube clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-B5x371AzTGgK-_q3U_KfA
Website: https://www.learningwithlowell.com/
Akash links
* “Blood & Lust” at the @nefilmfestival’s Horror Fest. The film was nominated for “Best Ensemble” & “Best Concept”.
* OPENING NIGHT OF @dragonflyartsnj ROUND & ROUND THE GARDEN, written by @ayckbourn_playwright
* https://www.instagram.com/akashinti
* https://www.youtube.com/@AkashInti
* https://linktr.ee/akashinti
00:40 Freemason national treasure hunt
08:45 Fact vs fiction freemason
11:55 People as freemans
14:00 National treasure hunt
16:55 Architecture is stationary music.
20:00 Finding local experts / genealogy societies
22:00 Freemasons giving back to community
27:30 NIMBY and getting things done
34:30 News skewing negative
35:55 Chicago lake front
38:00 Akash peruvian background / background
44:30 Verbal history of world
47:00 More humane human sacrifice
50:50 Seeing impact int he community
52:20 Akash and having a girlfriend
55:40 Negative feedback to akash’s lifestyle
59:15 Being un jugement
01:03:00 Being successful in acting
01:06:30 Networking / dealing with bad people
01:09:30 Getting feedback
01:11:30 picking great projects
01:13:10 QA / understanding people for people
01:21:00 subreddits and Am I the asshole
01:24:00 Hacksaw ridge / higher power
01:26:00 Continuous learning
01:28:11 Andrew Calligan / shout out to movies hes done