Jan 16 2024 69 mins
Alysa has a B.Sc. (Hon.) in Animal Biology from Thompson Rivers University and an M.Sc. in Ecology from the University of Alberta where her thesis focused on the polar bears of western Hudson Bay. She gained hands-on experience with polar bears from multiple fall and spring field seasons in Tuktoyaktuk and Churchill and has been heavily involved in tracking Hudson Bay polar bears, as well as coexistence efforts. She also spearheads Polar Bears International's Tundra Connections webcast program. Prior to joining Polar Bears International's staff, Alysa volunteered for several years in multiple capacities, including being a panelist on the Tundra Connections program and assisting with the Polar Bear Tracker.
The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson- is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/66eFLHQclKe5p3bMXsCTRH
RSS: https://www.learningwithlowell.com/feed/podcast/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzri06unR-lMXbl6sqWP_-Q
Youtube clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-B5x371AzTGgK-_q3U_KfA
Website: https://www.learningwithlowell.com
Alysa McCall links
00:30 Conservation during Covid
01:55 Value Educating kids
04:50 Polar bears vs brown bears
08:20 In person education
09:50 What to do if confronted with a polar bear
14:25 Polar bear feeding centers
18:55 How smart are polar bears
20:18 Polar bear populations
23:55 Hope in fighting climate change
28:40 Microplastics
30:48 Humans and polar bears
32:15 Diseases in permafrost
34:50 Change in policy in Alaska and fossil fuels
36:00 sounding canadian
38:00 Canada vs America
41:45 Carbon tax / corporations / carbon footprint
46:20 Future of polar bear international
50:07 Polar bear fun facts
52:00 Hybrid polar bears
53:23 Grower bears hybrid
55:20 Species of polar bear she wishes she could see
58:22 why went extinct
58:45 Women vs men qualifications
59:45 Book recommendations
01:01:15 What shes looking to learn about / hands on
01:05:15 Favorite emoji
01:06:34 How to support polar bears international