Oct 30 2024 43 mins 11
Jacob and Katie build the list of their favourite games from GDEX 2024.
- Jacob McCourt (@JacobMcCourt)
- Katie Lesperance (@lesperak)
Web: LeftBehindGame.Club | Twitter: @LeftBehindClub | Instagram: @LeftBehindGameClub
- 0:00 Intro
- 1:05 Our Thoughts on GDEX
- 2:30 Housekeeping
- 3:45 Collapsus Interview with Jay Kidd from Wraith Games
- 10:10 Collapsus Itch.io Early Access | Steam
- 10:50 Dark Sky
- 13:00 Hive Jump 2: Survivors
- 16:35 Duck Paradox
- 18:55 Lullaby of Life
- 22:15 The Pedestrian
- 26:50 Mole Maiden
- 28:55 The Boundary Condition
- 33:40 Primrows
- 36:45 Derelict
- 39:50 Recap and Wrap-Up
DISCORD: The Left Behind Game Club is a monthly game club podcast focusing on positivity & community. To talk to members of the community, join our Discord server!