Wrecking Ball
During the course of almost every mom and dad’s 18-year parenting journey, you will encounter conflict with your children. Guaranteed. But what happens when the conflicts become routine and magnify into combat in the teen years? How should parents proceed when you can no longer restrain your teenage wrecking ball from wrecking your home and the loved ones inside it? There are options if you run out of ideas for keeping your home a sanctuary of sanity and safety. These options are provided by a professional who helps families for a living.
Discussing Recovery with Holly Hunter
Holly Hunter has been transporting troubled teens to therapeutic schools and programs across the country through Safe Passage Global which she founded. Holly has been a private investigator for more than 20 years, holds certifications in crisis manager intervention, and has been a Christian life coach. Holly is a certified mental health coach, first responder, and much much more. Holly is good at what she does and cares deeply about people. When Holly has some downtime you can find her singing, taking photos, or writing books.
Episode Highlights:
- How many parents are aware that long-term treatment programs actually exist?
- What feelings do parents struggle with when seeking outside help?
- According to Holly what is residential care?
- What words may help a parent choose residential care?
- What is the importance of not pointing fingers?
Image from Canva