If you listen to Out Takes regularly, you know we love a film festival and one at the top of our list is MQFF a.k.a the Melbourne Queer Film Festival. It returns this year from November 14 to 24 with a program that celebrates the way sound and vision have been a source of inspiration and transformation for LGBTQIA+ communities, and everyone across the world. MQFF audiences will be treated to 42 features and 19 documentaries throughout the festival, and in what is becoming an annual tradition for Out Takes, we welcomed back MQFF Program Director Cerise Howard and MQFF Chief Executive Officer David Martin Harris to give us the scoop on this year’s festival and the incredibly diverse program on offer. We also revisited our review and interview from June with award-winning and proud Australian queer filmmaker Timothy Despina Marshall who’s feature film debut ‘In the Room Where He Waits’ is featured in this year’s Melbourne Queer Film Festival.