May 11 2021 20 mins 22
Parashat Bamidbar is always read around Shavuot time. What is the connection? And what is the eternal message that emerges from the long census and mapping that fills our parasha? The answer is connected to the flags.
Sources: Bamidbar 2:1-2 / Megilla 31b
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If you enjoy the Pardes from Jerusalem podcast series, you're sure to enjoy the Pardes Learning Seminar which is exclusively online this summer! See below for more details.
5 days. 28 class options. And 1 memorable summer learning experience. Cultivating Courage and Resilience - Chazak v'Amatz. The Pardes Learning Seminar Summer 2021 is online from July 4-8. To get more information please visit Pardes Online.
Please let us know your comments and thoughts about the podcast, write to us at [email protected]. We appreciate you leaving us a review with 5-stars if you enjoy these podcasts.
For more information about Pardes, visit our website
Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer=Kossoy - Faculty and Host for Pardes from Jerusalem
Rabbi Adam Titcher – Lead Consultant and Producer
Arlene Harel – Faculty Coordinator
Sources: Bamidbar 2:1-2 / Megilla 31b
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If you enjoy the Pardes from Jerusalem podcast series, you're sure to enjoy the Pardes Learning Seminar which is exclusively online this summer! See below for more details.
5 days. 28 class options. And 1 memorable summer learning experience. Cultivating Courage and Resilience - Chazak v'Amatz. The Pardes Learning Seminar Summer 2021 is online from July 4-8. To get more information please visit Pardes Online.
Please let us know your comments and thoughts about the podcast, write to us at [email protected]. We appreciate you leaving us a review with 5-stars if you enjoy these podcasts.
For more information about Pardes, visit our website
Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer=Kossoy - Faculty and Host for Pardes from Jerusalem
Rabbi Adam Titcher – Lead Consultant and Producer
Arlene Harel – Faculty Coordinator