Jan 17 2025 1 mins 2
We interrupt our normal service with a callout to all our listeners who are secondary school teachers in Wales!
Dear teacher,
Cardiff Met is working with Canterbury Christ Church University on a research project to explore teacher-teacher dialogue around Curriculum for Wales. As a first stage of the project, we're releasing a survey aimed at secondary school teachers across Wales. We would really appreciate you, as a secondary school teacher in Wales, taking the time to complete this survey. It should take 15 minutes. We also ask you to have a conversation with your teaching colleagues about the survey so that they have a reminder to complete it. We're hoping to understand the conversations you have before launching some research interventions later in the project. We plan to donate money to some Welsh charities in line with responses to the survey. Go to our website to find out more about our project and sign up for updates. nicer.org.uk/cultivating-dialogue
Thank you / Diolch!