Nov 22 2022 4 mins
Today! The Confidence to Podcast.
I’ve come to learn that there are a few recurring themes podcasters say hold them back from continuing or even starting a podcast.
Today - Confidence.
You wouldn’t be the first person to suffer from imposter syndrome, questioning your credibility and authority to host a podcast.
If the voice in your head is asking, “who do you think you are?”.
You have what’s called… the human condition.
When it comes to your podcast, keep this in mind… your podcast isn’t for everyone.
It can’t be.
Nothing anyone ever really loved was loved by everyone!
I don’t enjoy hot climates and beach vacations.
But the millions of beachfront hotels around the world don’t seem to care.
It’s ok if people don’t get your podcast.
So I encourage you not to think of your podcast listeners as ‘people’ but to think of them as your kind of people.
When you do - it’s way easier to make content because you can see how these listeners and future listeners are on your side!
Look - I’m never going to listen to a podcast about being vegan in Texas, but if that’s your thing - don’t let a carnivorous Brit like me stop you.
The thing is -the more specific you can be - the more magnetic your podcast will be.
If you’re a vegan in Texas - I imagine you are pretty starved of content for people like you.
But let’s take that negative thought all the way down the road….
Someone takes the time to let you know they don’t like your show.
Think about it… someone took the time, they will never get back to let you know what they think.
I’m not saying you need to respond or engage, but I am saying - that alone is proof that you are onto something.
So keep the following phase to hand just in case someone tells you they don’t like what you’re doing with your podcast…
“Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to listen but… I didn’t make this podcast with you in mind”.
“My podcast exists because I’m interested in being a vegan not because I consider myself the authority on all elements of it.”
The thing is - we all have opinions, but when it comes to it - how many of them really matter?
When people take the time to express an opinion to you - I’d argue it's because, in some way, you matter to them.
So… don’t let what others think or say stop you from starting a podcast.
I’m not going to tell you podcasting is easy, but once you've started in the right way - it will only get easier, and you will build confidence.
I’ve created a Quiz to help you discover the #1 roadblock holding you back.
In just 60 seconds, you’ll crack the code behind a show that grows your business without paid ads, sponsors, or thousands of listeners.
Ready to start a podcast that makes fame and audience size irrelevant?
Whenever You’re Ready, Here Are Five Ways I Can Help Your Business Grow Using Your Podcast
2. Read my best-selling book ‘Narrow Podcasting.’
3. Join the waitlist for the ‘Profitable-Pod Method’ Online Course
4. Enjoy seamless Podcast Production powered by my global team
About The Show
Podcast Business Coach tells you exactly what you need to know to grow your business with your podcast.
Hosted by me, Toby Goodman - Best-Selling Author of Narrow Podcasting and Creator of The Profitable Pod Method.
These tips and musings are powered by Podcast Network Solutions Production and Blubrry Podcast Hosting