V dnešnom podcaste si dáme Fakt a fikciu a povieme si o novej štúdii, ktorá sa opäť pozerala na to, o koľko nám cvičenie dvíha kalorický výdaj.
Why being vegetarian might hurt your chances on dating apps
Myth busted: Healthy habits take longer than 21 days to set in
Boosting this molecule could help retain muscle while losing fat
Psychologists pinpoint a subtle sign of relationship quality
Exercise Doesn't Burn as Many Calories as You Think, Experts Say
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Why being vegetarian might hurt your chances on dating apps
Myth busted: Healthy habits take longer than 21 days to set in
Boosting this molecule could help retain muscle while losing fat
Psychologists pinpoint a subtle sign of relationship quality
Exercise Doesn't Burn as Many Calories as You Think, Experts Say
Image by Pexels from Pixabay