Jan 19 2022 33 mins 96
RV travel and camping is filled with surprises, both good and bad. And in this article and encore episode of the RV Podcast, we share them all...
The topic stems from a very lively discussion from our RV Lifestyle Community when readers were asked to fill in the blank… “As much as I Love the outdoors, I can’t stand…”
We got around 1,000 responses and have written a few related articles. We list those articles and summarize the key points below.
Most RV Travel and Camping LOVE/HATE Issues Weren't So Complicated
The response we had in our RV Lifestyle Community to our questions about what people disliked the most about RV Travel and Camping brought hundreds of responses each time. These are the resulting blog posts about these questions, and we've included a few highlights in the list below.
* The Top 10 Worst Things About Camping
* Top 10 Best Things About Camping
* Facebook Page Post with over 700 comments "As much as I love the outdoors... I can't stand... :-)
* Facebook Group Post with over 300 comments "As much as I love the outdoors... I can't stand... -
Outdoors Love/Hate - over 1000 responses in the Group and on the Page
* all sorts of bugs - but especially mosquitos
* humidity and bad weather
* ticks and snakes get their own bullet point :-)
* bad campground etiquette (lights on too late, loud music, and campers)
* campfire smoke
Worst Things About Camping - Highlights from this blog post
* Then what goes up, must come down! Breaking down camp may include drying out outdoor gear after a rainy night, stabilizing all the interior loose objects, airing out the fire smell, and dumping the tanks, of course. While ending the trip is bad enough, a dump job gone wrong is the worst!
* Dog poop is definitely the most problematic of them all. Despite dog parks and bag/trash stations being much more popular at many RV parks, many dog owners refuse to follow the simple rule of “please pick up after your pet.”
* Patricia shared on Facebook that expensive campgrounds are the worst in her opinion and many others agreed. Not only are the site costs rising, but many amenities and necessities are also increasing as well.
* Jim commented that taking his trailer back to the dealer has severely dulled his camping time.
BEST Things About Camping - Highlights from this blog post
* The RV lifestyle allows you to have your own bed, bath, and kitchen as Luci pointed out in the recent Facebook ...