Welcome to Episode 151 of The Scale Model Podcast Sponsored by CultTVMan and Sean’s Custom Model Tools
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Tariffs and tribulations.
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Hi Stuart, I hope you are keeping well. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the kind mention on the latest episode of the podcast. It was very unexpected but really made my day. Thank you too for all the great work you Terry and Geoff do at Scale Model Podcast and for all your tireless efforts to promote the hobby. You guys are fantastic and it is always a real treat when the latest episode drops : ) All the best! William Adair
Das Werk Announcements for Toy Fair 2025
Tamiya Armor items at Toy Fair 2025
Tamiya Announcements at Toy Fair 2025
IBG releasing a lot of 1/72 Spitfires
Other items from the IBG Catalog
1st test shot build of Kotare's 1/32 Bf 109K-4
Stuart - Slow but steady work on the Revell Land Rover. Wheels are now on and just a few more things to do. Airbrushes are on the way back from Badger. Looking forward to getting them back.
Got a Tamiya 1/48 Sherman Firefly for the 48 hour build in March. Nice looking kit.
Geoff - finished off the IBG 1/72 IAR80 and wrote the article on it for IPMS Canada, although you may never see it. Bottom line: very nice kit. Continued on the old Revell 1/72 Arado what if Amerika bomber. I couldn’t find my lead weights, so I decided to do it in flight, perhaps dropping bombs over the NYC skyline, although in light of recent international events, I may have to find a red state with a recognizable skyline as a base! I wonder if anyone makes a 3D file of Mar a Lago?
Terry: Work continues apace on the Moosaroo. The shadowbox is coming along nicely. I hope to be done shortly. The Phalanx is looking good, not much more on this either but I’ve said that for a month now. I do need to get a new windscreen for the Wingsy Claude, it broke in half in the bag. It is quite thin plastic.
Stuart - I’ve been in a reading kick lately instead of spending as much time on social media. Finished Titan and Moonseed by Stephen Baxter, now moving on to a collection of short stories by him called Traces.
Geoff - I’ve been ploughing through a complete collection of Scale Airplane Modeller magazine and been fascinated by the fact that model debates never seem to change! Prices are too high, people who just collect kits, thus raising market prices for builders, are evil, who needs fancy new paints, IPMS judging sucks, etc. The UK magazine was quite parochial, and although there was a ton of good information on UK aircraft, they do get a tad stuck on themselves - back in 1988 at least.
Terry: Apparently I’ve fallen behind Stuart! I’m halfway through Stephen Baxter’s Titan. Also reading the first series of Bleach Manga. It tracks very close to the anime.
Hello Gentlemen!
I have a show discussion topic for you all to ponder: SCALE WARS!
The premise is as simple as it is fictional. Imagine I have hired each of you as a consultant to my brand new (again, fictional) scale model manufacturing company. I want to shake up the injection-molded kit industry and I’m relying on your knowledge and expertise. I am not interested in which kit you want made that either doesn’t exist yet or is in need of a new tooling. Instead, I want to know your opinions on scale.
I am tasking you each individually with two assignments in this discussion. Time and money are not considerations here (the most fictional part of all).
- You MUST eliminate a standard/popular modeling scale from a genre of your choosing and justify your choice (for the snarky-minded amongst you, “box scale” does not count). Or “They shouldn’t have picked that scale.”
- You SHALL replace the eliminated scale by adding a new scale for any modeling genre of your choice that you believe is not represented well in the industry — or even at all — and you must tell me why I should invest in your idea. Or “Why they should have picked this scale instead.”
Remember, in this scenario you are a pool of consultants competing with each other to have your pitch chosen — so bring your A game to your arguments!
I know modelers can have strong opinions about their preferred scale(s) so I hope this is taken in the spirit of fun but if a friendship or two gets dented - well, we can’t let that stand in the way of progress.
Good luck and may the best arguments win!
Rick Baker
Scale Model Outlier
Terry’s Suggestion:
I say we go to a Roman Numeral system, essentially a decimal system.
I is 1:1.
V is 1:5
X is 1:10
L is 1:50
C is 1:100
D is 1:500
M is 1:1000
I suppose you could get larger if you need, for things like starships.
3D Wild building a 1/200 C5 Galaxy
Vince Hoffman restoring another RC Tank. A vintage Tamiya Sherman.
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