Revival – Part 2: Seeking Revival

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Feb 14 2022 50 mins  

(Ruach HaKodesh, Session 20b)

In the last session we defined revival as “a God-empowered widespread move of repentance.” We can also add a sense of renewal to that. It is a situation in which people turn their lives to Yeshua and away from sin in unusually high numbers. It is also a time when believers are rekindled in their passion for God. Revival has fruit of long-term believers; it is not just a fad. This begs the questions:

  • Is it possible to always have revival?
  • What conditions are necessary for God to send revival?
  • Who is to blame for our lack of revival?

Here we discuss what conditions are supposed to be met before God will send a revival. We also discuss possible pitfalls to avoid in seeking revival, and steps for seeking revival. In the end, we talk about the events of Acts 2, and compare it to the coming future revival.

For an outline of all the sessions in this series, click on this link. To subscribe to this podcast, click here.

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