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Jan 07 2018 51 mins   7

Did you know that 85% of your money mindset starts at about the age of 3 years old? That my friends was a real shock to me and changed the entire direction of this amazing conversation. My guest Kine´Corder is a business and wealth mindset coach and as you know the format of the podcast has changed to focus of course on business but to also address the aspects of how success happens. Wealth and mindset are key points to consider when building your business and your lifestyle.

Kine´ is the first certified hypnotherapist I've had as a guest and I'm sure you will find her approach interesting. One of the parts of the conversation I found enlightening, we touched on was generational wealth and how it was a part of her family structure which led to us talking about my favorite subject hustle but to hear that story you have to listen to the episode

Connect with Kine Corder:

Featured Partnership: Media.net

As you know I'm always working to bring new sponsors to the show that will provide value and help your business. That's why in October whilst attending Fincon (Financial Bloggers Conference) I met up with the people from Media.net to talk about how they could help me and my audience.

So here's the great thing about Media.net, the support it truly over the top. I've dealt with ad networks before that would provide contextual ads or ad blocks that either were very intrusive or took too much work to get the ads to be relevant for my visitors, and not just a cookied ad that followed them around. Admittedly I was reluctant to introduce an ad block or any sort of ad to my site until looking at some of the people Media.net was working within the blogging world. Once I saw blogs and the people I respect were Media.net Ambassadors I was in!

So all I'm asking of you as a visitor to the site and as a listener of the podcast is that you check them out via my link and give a few of the ads a try. Just click on the link to go to my custom page https://media.net/vernon

Sponsors: Podbean.com & Book Like a Boss

If you've booked time with me, you know my 10-minute triage calls then you've used my scheduling link. It's a service that's good and I didn't have any real complaints except it's on the expensive side. I've used Schedule Once since I started podcasting so I'm pretty vested in it, but it's time to say goodbye.

It's all Noah Kagen's fault, that's right! If not for AppSumo I would have never discovered Book Like a Boss. I picked it up on a Sumo Deal => Check them here but then did nothing with it for months. I was just too busy to be bothered at the time, but over the holiday season, one of my goals was to review everything I had purchased from a tools perspective and then either use it in my business or get rid of it. After spending about 1 hour playing around I had a full booking page linked to my Skype account and ready to roll. Here's the page: Vernon's Book Like A Boss Page

Great page and I have a special link I can send to my podcast guest to schedule and it all goes on my calendar and it's a one-time charge! Not only is it more affordable I've already had conversations with the CEO and love they are working on innovation with the platform and it's already pretty slick. You can grab it now on a special Lifetime Deal with this link, Get the Deal I would love to know what you think of the page and if you think it would be useful....