Can you imagine what Jesus’s Curriculum Vitae might look like?
What speaking engagements, teaching series, events, & mission statement might be included on his CV?
Let’s imagine what it might look like based on today’s gospel passage, and rest of the stories in the ninth chapter of Matthew’s gospel. In Chapter Nine, Jesus’s mission statement is clear: to heal the sick, offer forgiveness to sinners, and bring Good News of the Kingdom of God to God’s people.
So, what’s listed in the Experiences section of Jesus’s CV?
As Matthew narrates the gospel story, Jesus was quite a busy guy. Just looking at the first 30 verses of Chapter 9, Jesus:
- Heals a paralyzed man, offering forgiveness as well as healing (Matt. 9:1-8)
- Invites a social outcast and his disreputable friends to dinner, sparking the beginning of a lifelong friendship (Matt. 9:9-13)
- Teaches a group of John the Baptist’s followers about fasting, inviting them into a new form of relationship with God (Matt. 9:14-17)
- Resurrects a beloved daughter (Matt. 9:18-26)
- Heals a woman who’s been cast to the margins of society while living with a chronic illness for 12 years (Matt. 9:20-22)
And of course, as we read in today’s gospel, Jesus restores sight to the eyes of two blind men (Matt. 9:27-31).
It’s not a public or flashy healing for these two, just a moment of connection, person to person. They came to Jesus desiring mercy and healing. They followed him inside a home, and alone, without the crowds, Jesus simply asked if they had faith that he could give them sight. “Yes, Lord,” they said, and Jesus the healer touched them and opened their eyes. Through him, they saw new life, a life where they were seen and valued.
Where are you and your story found on Jesus’s CV?
Is there a moment with Jesus that has opened your eyes?