Jan 10 2019 1 mins 29
Just having a MSP website is not enough. Here is how to make your MSP website convert visitors into CUSTOMERS. Transcription: Bryce Whitty here from Technibble.com and in this video, I am going to share with you some tips to make sure your business website actually converts visitors into clients. The problem is many businesses throw up a WordPress website, mention their services, have a contact page and call it a day. But a business website needs to be setup to convert and here is how to go about it. So first of all, make sure its mobile optimized. Many sites these days are seeing more mobile traffic than desktop traffic. In your sales copy, make sure you sell benefits rather than features. Most people don’t even know what “Managed Services” even is. But they will understand if you say that you monitor their computers to prevent problems before they happen for example. Something like “Offsite cloud Backup” is a feature. The benefit is that their data is still safe even if their systems get stolen or the business burns down or gets taken out by a hurricane for example . Make sure the sales copy is about how you can help THEM, and solve THEIR problems. They don’t care that you have been working in IT since 1996 and then started your own business in 2008. They only care about how are you going to solve THEIR problems? Make sure all of your content pages have a call-to-action on them. What do you want your visitors to do? If you have some copy about your managed services, ask for the sale saying something like “If you finally need your IT sorted, give us a call on whatever”. Make sure your website loads in a reasonable time. You can punch your website URL into WebPageTest.org and it will let you know how fast your website loads and whats slowing it down. Good time is about 3 seconds. Make sure you have your contact details are visible without scrolling the page. Somewhere at the top is best but don’t make them hunt for a way to contact you. Some people say that Facebook advertising and Google advertising doesn’t work, but what is often happening is they can get the traffic to the website, but they don’t convert the customer. With some simple changes, you can greatly increase the conversion rate of your website. If you boost your websites conversion rate from ONE percent to TWO percent, you essentially double the income that your website generates so it’s well worth doing. Source: How To Get More Clients From Your MSP Website - Technibble.com