In today’s episode Kate and Betsy talk money with guest Holly Morphew, a financial coach and speaker and the author of the book Simple Wealth: The Practical Guide to Transform Your Relationship with Money and Live in Abundance. Today we explore the myths of money and the connection of health and wealth.
In today’s episode we discuss:
- Holly’s early years in an entrepreneurial family and their openness to talking about money. How navigating a chronic illness in her 20’s ended up shaping her career and purpose in the world.
- Her belief that mindset is the most important tool that we have, and we are so much more than a physical body.
- Holly’s battle with Ulcerative Colitis and how medical debt became a catalyst for her to take charge of her health and wealth.
- Her ability to see wealth creation from many different angles and align it with the natural flow of people’s life.
- The three emotions people have around money: confusion, shame and overwhelm and her desire to bring light to the topic of money.
- Her system for money and the trifecta of creating wealth: education, discipline/action, and mindset.
- Holly shares the importance of education and awareness, and Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching that when you shine the light of awareness on something it naturally begins to resolve itself.
- How the practice of discipline and taking actions like setting up guard rails and putting yourself in environments that support you, can help you find success.
- We discuss mindset and abundance and how what we tell ourselves is the truth, can dictate the results we get in life.
- Holly shares that practices like gratitude can transform you into a wealthy person and how we each actually know what abundance means to us.
- We discuss how we all form relationships with money, and that the money myths we are taught often go back to our ancestors.
- How money just magnifies what’s inside of us and how it is really an energy.
- Wealth is really just your relationship with money and how often in relationships opposite money stories attract.
- The importance of getting clear on your core values and assess how you are spending your time and money.
- The connection between money and healing and how practices to be physically healthy translate.
- We discuss how abundance is about tapping into the infinite potential we have as a human being that is already inside of us.
- Holly shares the 3 programs she offers:
- Pillars – 4 month program
- Impact – 2 hour planning session
- Abundance – A program for scaling a business
Bio: Holly Morphew is an international speaker, award-winning financial coach, business strategist, and multi-generational entrepreneur. She is the Founder of Financial Impact, a specialized financial coaching practice that helps entrepreneurs and professionals create personal wealth and financial independence. At the age of 20 Holly was diagnosed with a chronic illness which required very expensive medication to treat and left her unable to walk off and on for four years. After doing mental accounting for many years she discovered she had five figure debt and was living paycheck to paycheck. Holly intensely studied wealth creation, personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing, created a system, applied it to her personal finances, and eliminated her debt in 3 years and became financially independent in her 30s. At the same time, she overcame the disease doctors said would never go away. She credits mindset and systems with her health and financial success. Holly’s work has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, HerMoney, and more. She is the host of The Wealth Trifecta podcast and author of the best-selling book Simple Wealth, which was featured on Bankrate’s top ten personal finance books of 2022. Holly Morphew now travels the world speaking and coaching to help men and women create a life of design.
IG: @hollymorph
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