Dec 17 2024 15 mins 2
In the third episode of this four-part series, Dr. Rebecca Taylor-Grant, Head of Open Data Initiatives, and Dr. Emily Farrell, Global Commercial Director for Open Research, both at Taylor & Francis, discuss the development of data sharing policies, repositories, and resources. First, Rebecca walks through the creation of T&F’s data sharing policy specific to Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). Underscoring the need for language applicable to HSS (and not just STEM), Rebecca explains the process of researching existing data guidelines and gathering examples of HSS data. In addition, Rebecca chats about a 2022 exploratory survey on researchers’ current understandings and use of HSS data sharing and her paper on open data in the Humanities, also published in 2022. Next, Rebecca and Emily explore the advantages of data repositories over sharing data via email and outline key open data resources and training available from T&F to aid authors.
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