Feb 23 2024 5 mins 1
In this latest episode of The Gadget Man, Matt unravels the long-standing myth about using rice to dry out wet mobile phones.
Despite its popularity, this method is debunked as ineffective and potentially harmful.

Apple itself has issued guidance against it, warning that rice grains can damage the device by blocking ports and causing corrosion. Instead,
Matt suggests allowing the phone to dry out naturally in a dry, airy place, highlighting modern phones’ water resistance capabilities and the importance of gentle care in case of water exposure.

The conversation takes a lighter turn with a humorous suggestion for the best use of rice: making chili-con-carne, adding a flavourful twist to the tech discussion.

This episode not only clears up a common misconception but also serves up a side of humour, making it a must-listen for tech enthusiasts and foodies alike.
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The post The Gadget Man – Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden appeared first on Matt Porter, The Gadget Man - AI, Technology News and Reviews.