Sep 13 2022 7 mins
Ecamm Live is easy software for live-streaming from your Mac. And it's now even better!
You can now stream to multiple destinations simultaneously (like Facebook Live, YouTube Live, custom RTMP, and more) and even bring those separate comments onto the screen so your entire audience can see them.
For more advance productions, Ecamm Live now offers separate isolated video recordings of each source/participant, giving you a lot of control to edit your final video to your liking!
You can even generate a link for anyone else to join into your stream—no additional software needed!
I've used Ecamm Live for years and I've loved their simplicity and quality!
Learn more and try Ecamm Live for your live-streaming!
(As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases through this link. But I recommend things I truly believe in, regardless of earnings.)