Ethan M. used to pride himself on how many times he went through treatment. Then, when he was living in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart and sneaking into rooms in Motel 6, he made a drunk phone call on Christmas that landed him at MARR. He was convinced it wouldn’t work and immediately wanted to leave. But for some reason, by the end of the first day at MARR, he thought: I’ll give this a shot. He ended up at MARR where for several months he got a glimpse of what sobriety and community life could look like, but he wasn’t being honest with everyone. He ended up leaving secretly before he was ready. After a disastrous relapse, he wound up at MARR with a newfound spirit of willingness. And for Ethan and treatment, the 19th time was a charm.
Ethan M. (right) with fellow MARR alumnus Nick R. (left)