Ep. 91: How I Recovered from OxyContin, Adderall and Fentanyl
Ladd H. wanted to be a good dad, a good husband, and a good employee. He couldn’t explain why he kept blowing off his commitments and continued to use. What began as college drinking gradually progressed to heavy use of OxyContin, Adderall and fentanyl, eventually leading to hallucinations. When things got bad enough he eventually went through MARR. While in treatment he faced some tough truths about himself and learned how to be supportive of others who were in sobriety. He also worked through the 12 Steps with a sponsor. Things started going really well. He was able to show up in his life the way that he wanted to. But that wasn’t the end of his drinking and using story. Things were going so well that he thought he could do sobriety on his own. He relapsed. However, the lessons he learned at MARR and the experiences he had in sobriety helped him make it back. Now he sits in groups at MARR every Thursday, and continues to be a part of the community.