Sep 13 2024 43 mins 153
In this episode of THE MENTORS RADIO, Host Tom Lorie talks with legendary Bill George, the former Chairman and CEO of Medtronic and now a Senior Fellow at Harvard Business School. Widely recognized for his leadership, Bill is the author of several best-selling books, including True North, which has helped countless leaders align their personal values with their professional roles. Bill spent his career mentoring executives and leaders, teaching at Harvard and guiding CEOs to discover their own authentic leadership style. In this episode, Tom and Bill dive into Bill's insights on leading in turbulent times, mentoring the next generation of leaders, and how executives can stay resilient and purposeful in an ever-changing business world.
Some of the crucial topics touched on in this episode include:
* The Hard-Earned Lesson Bill Learned in College That Set Him on the Path to Success
* The Need for Courage to Navigate an Uncertain Future
* The Negative Impact of Grade Inflation in Colleges Today
* Insights from Mentoring Everyone from 21-Year-Olds to Senior Executives
* The Importance of "Know Thyself" in Personal and Professional Growth
* Small Company vs Large Company: Career Growth Opportunities
* Differences in Motivation Between Boomers and Gen Z
* How to Learn to Be a Leader—Not in an MBA Program
* Why Mentorship Is a Two-Way Street
* AI and Its Future in Business
In a nutshell, this episode will engage you in a powerful conversation that can impact your own leadership journey—for the better! Listen to our radio podcast anywhere, any time, on any platform, click here!
* BIO:
* True North: Leading Authentically in Today's Workplace, Emerging Leader Edition, by Bill George with Zach
* Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value, by Bill George
* Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis, by Bill George