103. Meet the Ingredients - Bentonite: “You disperse so good…”

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Oct 07 2024 33 mins   16

**Do you have your voting plan? ^_^ Grab a buddy and participate in democracy together (then go get some ice cream or cake or some cheese, cuz you deserve it ;) ) Check your voter registration and find your polling place at Vote.gov**

Lindsey and Donte introduce you to bentonite, a common ingredient in glaze-making.

From basic traits to baking analogies, these mud peddlers do their best to explain what bentonite is and what it does to your clay and glazes.

What ingredient do you want to meet next? Tell us in the comments or tag us on the socials!

**Do you have a voting plan? Grab a buddy and participate in democracy together (then go get some ice cream or cake or cheese, cuz you deserve it ;) )**

Sources and further reading:

Digital Fire – Bentonite (https://digitalfire.com/material/bentonite)

Sue MacLeod on the Ceramic Arts Network (https://ceramicartsnetwork.org/ceramic-recipes/recipe/bentonite#)

Rose and Matt Katz’s Ceramic Materials Workshop (https://ceramicmaterialsworkshop.com/)


About Your Hosts

Lindsey M Dillon is an award-winning professional ceramic artist who makes mugs and creature sculptures inspired by history, folklore, and geek culture. They have been working in clay since 2007, and doing so professionally since 2014. Their supernatural powers haven't manifested yet, but it's ok, they’ll wait.

Donte of Earth Nation Ceramics is a professional ceramic artist and Youtuber with over 90k artists in his community, all helping each other grow through their ceramic art journey one step at a time. He also has a massive addiction to boba milk tea and anime.

Find Lindsey

Website and shop – lindseymdillon.com

Patreon – patreon.com/lindseymdillon

Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook – @lindseymdillon

Find Donte

Website and shop – earthnationceramics.com

Patreon – patreon.com/Earthnationceramics

Youtube – Earth Nation Ceramics

Instagram – @earth_nation_ceramics

TikTok and Facebook – @earthnationceramics

Join the Discord – https://discord.gg/Xtmwk7y