Nov 26 2024 52 mins 12
Lindsey and Donte put together a list to help out with holiday gifts for clay people– whether you have a clay person in your life, or you are the clay person in your life. From classic quality-of-life picks to some potentially surprising suggestions, these mud peddlers hope you can find some inspiration in this holiday medley.
What’s one of the most helpful gifts you’ve ever received, ceramics-related or otherwise?
About Your Hosts
Lindsey M Dillon is an award-winning professional ceramic artist who makes mugs and creature sculptures inspired by history, folklore, and geek culture. They have been working in clay since 2007, and doing so professionally since 2014. Their supernatural powers haven't manifested yet, but it's ok, they’ll wait.
Donte of Earth Nation Ceramics is a professional ceramic artist and Youtuber with over 100k artists in his community, all helping each other grow through their ceramic art journey one step at a time. He also has a massive addiction to boba milk tea and anime.
Find Lindsey
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Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook – @lindseymdillon
Find Donte
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Youtube – Earth Nation Ceramics
Instagram – @earth_nation_ceramics
TikTok and Facebook – @earthnationceramics
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