Jul 13 2020 29 mins 19
“I wasted most of my 20’s and 30’s looking for love in all the wrong places, until eventually I hit rock bottom. All the love I so desperately wanted from someone else was already inside me.”

I discovered who I REALLY was and what was truly important to me;
I learned how to love AND like myself;
I mastered the art of setting boundaries;
I improved my communication skills dramatically;
And I gained a TON of self confidence in the process.
Any links you would like me to include in the show notes. Maybe a link to your website? I can include up to 3 links. You choose and I’ll do my best to include all the links into my show notes, blog post, and social media links.
Website: www.melissamsnow.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/melissamsnowlifecoach
30 Day Detox program: https://melissasnowlifecoach.lpages.co/30-day-detox