Mar 29 2024 111 mins 55
Show #140 – #boulderadjacent – On this month’s Trail Show, special guest and Trail Show VIP “The Onion” joins us once again to talk graph theory, the postman problem, and complete hiking Joshua Tree National Park, POD speaks on animal husbandry, getting papered to hike, lawsuits, and Jasmin Paris’ superhuman abilities, OOO visits outlying islands, D-Low does not discuss forbidden modes of travel or strava time, Disco regales his recent worst night ever in the backcountry, the Hotline clamors, Danth writes in, and we are serenaded with a Gaelic ditty. Not a Chance’s new book is reviewed as is an Outside Magazine article, and D-Low hatches a cold cold plan during Ask-A-Hiker.
Beer O’ Da Month: Fine beers courtesy of Trail Show Nation!
Music on this month’s Trail Show was from The Royal Vikings off “The Surfites and Co.” album….get all the tunes at Double Crown Records!
*Disclaimer: The Trail Show is a comedy podcast that sometimes talks about hiking and always talks about beer, and absolutely nothing we say should be taken at face value or misinterpreted as truth. Enjoy!
The post The Trail Show #140: Joshua Tree Jamboree first appeared on The Trail Show.