Correct answer eludes so many scientist dudes

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May 06 2024 9 mins  

I saw a silly question this morning. And I’m sure you’ve seen one like it at least once or twice. It said, “‘Mass Extinction: What Happened 65 Million Years Ago?” Of course, the correct answer is “Nothing.”

Well, another correct answer would be, “Ask God. He was the only one around.”

But nothing on Earth happened 65 million years ago. Because Earth didn’t exist then. And the evidence is overwhelming to anyone who is willing to look at it with humility.

Take, for example, the Ford Galaxy. I still remember my mom and step-dad buying a brand new ’64 Ford Galaxy station wagon. Bright red. And a real nice ride for a family.

Wait! I meant to talk about actual galaxies. Not a car. Yeesh. So weird how the fingers start typing out a story when the brain is thinking of another one.


Ain’t it cool how “galaxies frequently appear connected or aligned with other galaxies or quasars that have vastly different redshifts?” Yeah, many is the time my friends and I have sat around the campfire and sung songs about that. I mean, it’s just so cool. And according to Dr. Walt Brown, a PhD from M.I.T. those kinds of connections happen “too often for all examples to be coincidences.”

Dr. Brown also added that, “If redshifts imply velocities (which is most likely), these galaxies and quasars have not been moving apart for very long. If redshifts do not always imply velocities, many astronomical conclusions are in error.”

That sounds like a guy who knows the correct answer.

And I mean the correct answer for the age of the universe and our beautiful, blue planet. Yeah, Dr. Brown has shared tons of evidence for a young Earth and universe. But…

What does this all mean?

And why should we care?

That we didn’t come from slime!

And there’s a God out there!

(from my song, “Fast Forward”)

The age of the Earth matters. Because the whole millions or billions of years ideology is responsible for hopelessness and horror. It’s a worldview whose believers want you to believe you’re a result of random mutations. And that you’ll eventually expire and crash into eternal nothingness.

But a young Earth worldview gives you the correct answer. That a loving Creator who made you in His image and likeness. And that’s an ideology based on the actual evidence. Plus, it’s filled with hope of eternal life in paradise. Give me what’s behind that door any day of the week.

And you should subscribe to The FunderFlash Journal and get what’s behind my email door.

(Hint: it’s good stuff for Fa-Ree)

Stay tuned,

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