Doesn’t it feel nice to eat a good, tasty dinner and finish it off with a yummy dessert? You feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You’re full and completely happy. Then something happens, and before you know it, you’re hungry again. Then you have to do it all over again. Day after day. Week after week. Year after year. Your whole life. No matter how often you eat a good meal, you get hungry again. But there’s one thing that can fill you up and keep you full. It’s the fullness of God. Wanna know more? Keep reading.
What do you think the fullness of God is.
His power? His wisdom? And His word? Those are all important, but they’re not what can fill you up and keep you full. Only one thing does that.
His love.
When you are filled with the fullness of God, you’re filled with His love. Do you know how to get that love? All you have to do is trust in Jesus. He is THE way, the one and only way, you be filled up with God’s love. There’s a place in the Bible where it says you can know “the love of Jesus.” It says that love is way beyond just knowing. God’s love can be a part of who you are. It can BE who you are.
When you trust in Jesus, you can understand God. You can start to understand how His love is higher, deeper, and better than anything else. And you start to understand how He can do way more than you can even imagine. And I bet you have a great imagination”don’t you?
Well, imagine this”Jesus is the one who created you, me, the whole world, the universe, and all the angels. Imagine Him talking out loud and making everything appear right out of nothing. Can you see Him doing that in your mind? And can you imagine why He did it? Again, it was for one reason.
Because the fullness of God is in His love.
Do you have the fullness of God living in you? If so, write to me and tell me how it makes you feel. If not, let me know, and I’ll do my best to help you find it. And here’s a rhyme to help you remember:
Jesus is the reason you can love.
He’s the only reason that you’re here.
If it weren’t for Jesus and His love,
All the universe would disappear.
Jesus is the one way you can live
For a while and then forever, too.
So, start smiling and get up and show
How the fullness of God lives in you.
Before you go, jump on The FunderFlash. And join the growing band of believers who enjoy my books, daily rhymes, songs, and videos about the Rhyme and Reason and power of God’s love.
Stay tuned,
The post Fill Up On The Fullness of God appeared first on Tony Funderburk.