Jul 23 2018 67 mins 17
Creation and Evolution Beliefs
Creation and evolution beliefs are just that – a topic that deals with looking at the evidence and perhaps with a different conclusion. In this podcast, Felice shares her research with a creation scientist as well as her curriculum that has received inclusion in Cathy Duffy’s 100 and 101 Top Homeschool Curriculum. Jill Whitlock and Felice Gerwitz co-authored a series of curriculum for the homeschool and Christian school market. You can find our books at MediaAngelsMembership.com as well as on Amazon.
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Creation and evolution beliefs can follow you anywhere!
Felice attended a health conference for doctor’s and one talk was entitled the Embryo Defensive Human Life. And as you know, with a topic of a creation and evolution, that’s one of the big things that come up with a definition of what human life is. The talk was hosted by professor Robert George, he is a Princeton University professor. What was amazing was the fact that the discussion these days has gone to the definition of life, as a Christian, I believe that life is at the moment of conception and the human embryo is totally human. It is a humankind. It has a potential to grow into an adult. Professor George had to be transported to and from the airport by a deputy sheriff of Lee County. And it was, I’m sure for his safety, he had to be escorted because he has had death threats on his life. While we may consider that we live in a free society when you see things such as this, it is hard to believe. And right now I just praise God that there is this ability to speak frankly about the importance of the beginning of life, which is important to the future of our children! Be sure to teach your children that God created is wonderful, commendable, and should be done.
He’s written many books and was so articulate and so logical to me that much of it dovetails into this discussion of creation and evolution. Let me just preface this, talk with a couple of things and one of them is my lack of knowledge beginning any discussion on the topic. I met Jill Whitlock many years ago now and she was a scientist. She was an oil and weld geologists by degree. And when I met her she was telling me about the topic of creation and evolution.
Teaching Creation and evolution beliefs side-by-side is important.
I had just attended a conference at the state convention the year before. And I said I was left with a lot of questions. I bought a lot of books, but I didn’t know what to do with these books. She had made a ten-year study at the time and invited me over. She started out the discussion with the second law of thermodynamics and I hit pause on the recorder and I said, okay, we need to stop here. I didn’t even know there was a First Law of Thermodynamics and here you are talking about a second Law of Thermodynamics. And I said, well, what is the thermodynamics? After we stopped laughing she went on and explained and opened my eyes to the world of science and how important it was to teach both concepts to your children.
Many times in our in our homeschool world, children are taught biblical principles and are taught values, virtues, and character qualities. And all of these things are very important and very pivotal. And I do this as well in my own schooling of my children. But I want to challenge you to go one step further and I want to challenge you to consider teaching creation and evolution side by side.
And here’s the reason why. For many, many years, I’ve had friends in all walks of faith in the homeschool world and outside of it that serve the Lord, yet their children have strayed. Some even believe that it is anti-Christian because anybody who is open-minded could not possibly consider that God used the book of Genesis as fact, many consider it an allegory. I don’t argue the point anymore. What I do say is educate yourself and whatever you decide is between you and your maker, if you believed there is one or not. And it’s not anything. I can only present the information and then you can decide how you’re going to teach it.
And you know, I know there’s some wonderful curriculum available. Our books are geared with a very, very detailed outline that Jill came up with after many, many, many years of research.
My challenge to you with today is to give your children a foundation that will stay with them after they leave your home and go into adulthood. At some point, your kids will need to make a choice and hopefully, they can make a choice for God! However, they must understand the evolutionary perspective. You can’t put God in a box, however, I believe that the book of Genesis. should be taken literally, we take every word in the Bible literally. It’s not up to me to decide, everyone needs to make up their own mind. As a Christian we discuss Genesis 12 and consider that literally because it discusses Abraham and the lineage of David, leading to Christ.
Points discussed on this podcast:
- It is important not only for me to teach my children the Biblical truth, but also to teach them that evolution does not hold the answers.
- Discuss with your children – when does life begin.
- Creation and evolution are both very important. Charles Darwin is considered the father of evolutionary thought. He basically preempted another author when he wrote the book Origins of Species and it became based on some of his observations that was published in 1859 and has become the dominant scientific theory of origins amongst influential scientists.
- Today scientists today no longer believe in evolution as proposed by Charles Darwin. In fact, they call it neo-Darwin and Neo Darwinian. Darwin said that the fossil record would prove all the transitions that he speculated about in his observations in the fossil record is still sadly lacking what in, in not sad for us to set for evolutionists.
- When studying about creation versus evolution, there have been three things that have really shaken the evolutionary foundation.
- And one is the scientists claim that DNA can be traced back to one set of parents. One scientist refer to this as the Mitochondrial Eve. This is bad press for an evolutionist, because of the reference to the Bible, but totally in line with what creation! Teach that all mankind comes from one set of parents. And if you believe in the biblical principles, we call them Adam and Eve.
- The second amazing thing with scientists believing they can test the effects of the beginning of time. Again, a big shock to them because they believed that the big bang or rose from an eternal universe, and now if they can see a beginning, then the question becomes who started it?
- The third shock in the scientific community is when red blood cells were found and dinosaur bones. Now, this is impossible since it is believed that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. The blood cells should have dissipated, are fossilized — but here they were not. In fact, and we use this as a topic in our second novel in the truth seekers mystery series, dinosaur quest.
- Everything you read about evolution teaches it as a given fact. Beware of this. They use words such as millions of years ago or we know that millions of years ago that… And so these are the things that really bother me when I read them teaching creation and evolution side by side. It says it all because your student, your child has been a constantly been be bombarded with evolutionary information from secular sources. Second, we need to teach evolution so that our children will understand the problems with the theory and learn how to counter what they see and hear in the media through science by definition is observable, repeatable, and testable.
- We cannot go back and observe or redo creation, nor can we observe or a test evolution than they are both. Belief systems both require faith to believe.
- There are so many scientists who are so eager to believe the lies of evolution when there’s so much evidence contrary to evolution, but it is censored. And the opinions of scientists are presented as facts.
- We either say things are a theory, proven or a hypothesis. Science teaches the theory of evolution is a valid hypothesis based on, “all of this evidence” that is still missing.
- Do you kids understand or could they debate a college professor who claims that Carbon14 dating is valid? My daughter did this in college and I share the details in this podcast. It is important for your children (and you) to understand the difference.
- Teach your children to think through things logically. Children who are being taught to think logically, are able to combat those who are illogical.
- Artifacts for example, of a fossilized beetle, are supposed to be 60 million years old, yet it is unchanged from a modern living beetle. We can point out and show our children. (My daughter and I used this topic in our third novel (http://www.TruthSeekersMysterySeries.com – Keys To The Past: Unlocked)
- The majority of people today, including many Christians, think the theory of evolution was founded by Darwin and is supported by scientific effort. And it actually began before the ancient Greeks. And again, there is no scientific basis that really, really definitively says, you know, here’s the information, you know, we’re done with it, there’s no more discussions, you know, the theory of evolution caused from the new changes over time and allows one species to change into a totally different species over millions of years.
- Macroevolution does not exist and there is no evidence. People try to say that microevolution has also evolved. Now micro is a change within a kind and that is not at all what we consider evolution. I have no problem with microevolution.
- When people talk about Noah’s Ark and look at feasibility studies that had been done about it, it is astounding that each kind of animal was on the Ark. You know, even some of the dinosaur kinds. And most dinosaurs were actually very small about the size of a chicken.
- Dr. Henry Morris was a tenured scientist who left to found the Institute for Creation Research. And he was for a sore point in the side of “real scientists” because he was a real scientist. He was a tenured scientist at a secular university.
- James Watson and Francis Crick were scientists who recognized that nothing could have evolved by random chance or mutations over time. And this spawned the Intelligent Design debate.
- Intelligent Design says that our world is so complex it must have an Intelligent designer –proponents of this are across the board in their belief systems from Christian groups, Christian, Catholics, Jewish atheists were all part of this group and still are today. Many videos are available by Michael Behe on YouTube.
- Evolution is still considered a theory. There is no law of evolution. Biogenesis states that life can only come from life. And therefore, evolution violates the Law of Biogenesis and if you try to ask a scientist that you will get every other answer, but a direct response. And to me it’s so amazing and these are the kinds of things that happen when people turn their backs to Christian principles.
- Many students lose their states and reject the biblical teaching of their families and churches and essentially lose their fate due to evolution.
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