Why Teach Human Development in Homeschool High School? Special Replay

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Nov 12 2024 13 mins  

This week on Homeschool Highschool Podcast: Why Teach Human Development in Homeschool High School? Special replay.

Why Teach Human Development in Homeschool High School? Special Replay

Why Teach Human Development in Homeschool High School?

When Vicki was in graduate school for counseling, she specialized Human Development. She loved it so much because as a mom, she was watching Human Development develop in her own kids! After all Human Development is the study of how people grown and change from womb to old age.

So, when her kids started to homeschool high school, she wanted them to have a Human Development course for their homeschool transcripts. She felt like it would be great life preparation, since it is likely that they would interact with people the rest of their lives and understand why people at different ages do different things would be helpful. It would help them understand their baby brother learning object permanence or their grandfather who always told the same stories over and over.

Unfortunately for Vicki, there was no high school Human Development text available to homeschool high schoolers, especially one from a Christian worldview. SO, what to do? In typical 7SistersHomeschool fashion, Vicki wrote her own text! Also in typical 7SistersHomeschool fashion, she wrote 7Sisters Human Development from a Christian Worldview text to cover the necessary scope and sequence but with no-busywork and readable (and enjoyable) by an average teen. Then, in typical 7SistersHomeschool fashion, she included instructions for leveling up to Honors credit in a meaningful way for the college-bound teens.

What is Human Development in Homeschool High School?

The study of the physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes that people experience as they grow from womb to old age.

For instance, adolescents go through a cognitive process called metacognition. Metacognition is the ability to think about thinking. Metacognitive teens think about who they are, what they feel, what the believe and why things are what they are. When teens learn from their Human Development course that the metacognitive process they are experiencing is natural and normal, they can enjoy the process!

Also, Human Development learn their two-year-old siblings (or the kids they are babysitting) are stomping their feet and saying, “NO!” (Toddlers are going through the early stages of finding out they are individuals. They find out where their personhood “stops” by testing out “No!”

They also learn about why their parents push them to accomplish stuff (middle-aged parents are in the “generative stage”- needing to be productive).

Is Human Development a good course for homeschool co-op?

It sure is! Human Development can be a blast! Not only do homeschool high schoolers have the chance to learn and discuss what they are learning and experiencing in their own families, but there are so many fun things that can be done in the co-op setting.

For instance, homeschool co-ops can:

  • Invite moms to bring their babies to class and discuss their pregnancies, delivery process (a favorite story of our local teens is our 7Sister Kym telling the story about finding out she was having twins when the twins were born!)

  • Watch the babies and see how they interact and guess what they are learning and doing.

  • Invite toddlers to class, provide them homemade clay or blocks and watch them play.

  • Invite kindergarteners to class and do fun exercises together like walking on chalk lines or hop on one foot. Give them crayons and watch them draw.

  • Invite grandparents to come and talk about their lives: adventures, parenting their own kids, what they are doing now.

Homeschool co-ops are also a wonderful place to allow teens to present projects they have done related to things that interest them about Human Development.

Hey, did you know that we will provide a homeschool co-op discount for Human Development from a Christian Worldview and all our texts?

Also, you can find lesson plans for co-op teachers and a suggested syllabus for your homeschool co-op classes.

Is 7SistersHomeschool’s Human Development from a Christian Worldview a preachy text?

No way! Teens do not need to be preached at! However, the idea that God created people is implied through the text.

Join Vicki for an informative chat about her favorite subject: Human Development!


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