Feb 27 2025 42 mins 19
S03E05 (#333). A linkshow. James and Per discuss two articles they’ve stumbled on. This time we feature articles about things that slow down your website’s experience and why you can’t do anything about it plus the concept of “failing early” but not in a “failing fast” startup way.
Article one is Six things that slow down your site’s UX (and why you have no control over them) by Tammy Everts.
“You have a lot of control over the design and code for the pages on your site, plus a decent amount of control over the first and middle mile of the network your pages travel over. But when it comes to the last mile – or more specifically, the last few feet – matters are no longer in your hands”
Article two is Fail early: the hidden design principle behind great UX by Niaw de Leon.
“In a way, failing early is an extension of the UX heuristic visibility of system status, which advises us to “present feedback to the user as quickly as possible” in order to create trust through predictable interactions.”
(Listening time: 42 minutes, transcript)

- Full transcript for this episode
- Article 1: Six things that slow down your site’s UX (and why you have no control over them)
- by Tammy Everts
- Website: https://tammyeverts.wordpress.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammyeverts/
- Network information API demo by James
- by Tammy Everts
- Article 2: Fail early: the hidden design principle behind great UX
- by Niaw de Leon
- Website: https://niawdeleon.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniwd/
- Swedish online pharmacy Apotea
- by Niaw de Leon
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