In which reality shatters; Ghost Rider wants friends; Jay’s toddler weighs in on the X-Men; the Phoenix costume is pretty much perfect; Caliban puts all his resources into an epic mount; and the future is so bright you’re gonna need shades.
- The Triune Understanding
- Ages of Apocalypse
- Uncanny X-Men #378
- Cable #77
- Wolverine #148
- X-Men Unlimited #26
- X-Men #98
- Earth-23378
- Things you can leave to people in a will
- The Silver Age, but different
- Apocaclops
- Aliya Dayspring
- Chronological inconsistencies
- Earth-2841
- The Harpy (Betty Ross)
- A very different Fantastic Four
- Earth-32000
- Siphon
- The moon
- Zackat (Wolverine) (long story)
- Erik the Red (more) (again)
- The Ladies Mastermind
- Cadre K
- Earth-32098
- X-World
- The prettiest X-Man
- The moon’s mutant power
NEXT EPISODE: Powerless!
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