In which Genosha gets better and/or worse; Fabian Cortez is the Secretary of Betrayal; having an action figure of yourself is the path to immortality; and Hammer Bay sounds like a sex toy company.
- Triathlon
- The Revolution relaunch and the six-month gap
- Magneto: Dark Seduction #1-4
- Erotic skyscrapers
- Magneto (again) (forever)
- X-Men Tijuana Bibles
- The Genoshan Cabinet
- Dark friendship with benefits
- Polaris’s newfound interest in heavy metal
- Magneto’s on-again, off-again children
- Carrion Cove
- Coloring symbolism and/or errors
- Spat and Grovel (kind of)
- Magneto’s ancestral f**k-ghost
- Socialism!
- Magneto’s mysterious mind-voice
- Neal Conan
- The Avengers of 2000
- Kirby Krackle
- Magneto’s smooth arc into villainy
- Bonking
- Human nature
- Rachel Summers in the Body Shoppe
- Our (lack of) coverage of solo comics
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