Mar 04 2025 21 mins
Singer and dancer Chris Brown was ascending the pop charts with his 2005 hit “Run It!” and was in a high-profile relationship with the beautiful Rihanna when things took a drastic turn for the worse. In February 2009, an incident left Rihanna bruised and battered on the side of the road. As a result, Brown was charged with felony assault and making threats. He eventually pleaded guilty to these charges. Instead of asking for help with his anger issues, he ignored them. How bad does it have to get before we ask for help?
In our culture, we celebrate independence, especially when it comes to receiving help. But it’s sad to see when someone maintains their independence to the point where they’re willing to experience pain before asking for help. Pride then is on full display to maintain the perception of being independent. The situation may change, though, when someone else is involved, like a spouse, child, parent, or friend. In those moments, we’re willing to get whatever help we can to see someone we love to receive the help and care they need.
In our culture, we celebrate independence, especially when it comes to receiving help. But it’s sad to see when someone maintains their independence to the point where they’re willing to experience pain before asking for help. Pride then is on full display to maintain the perception of being independent.”
In this session, we’ll read about a moment when someone was willing to break down his personal pride to receive help for his child. In this particular time period and culture, it would have been unexpected for this person to come to Jesus for help. Yet, the news had begun to spread about Jesus and His ability to help those in need, even to this official. Jesus stands ready to help us also.
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