Dec 22 2024 22 mins
Most churches try their best to offer convenience when it comes to worship. That’s not a bad thing. We need to try to remove any obstacle believers might have to be able to worship. We have climate-controlled spaces, preferred parking for seniors, visitors, and expectant mothers. Coffee is often available in the foyer, and since the pandemic, many churches offer a streaming option so that you could join in from the comfort of your own couch or even your bed.
It’s easy to forget that there are people half a world away that risk their lives to worship with other believers. For them it takes planning and a little cunning to be there. Some don’t have access to Bibles. They pass around scraps of Bibles that they salvaged from the last confiscation they experienced in the village by authorities.
It’s easy to forget that there are people half a world away that risk their lives to worship with other believers.”
We might worship in comfort, ease, and convenience, but we are a slim minority of the long history of the worshiping church, including the Magi who made the arduous journey to kneel at the feet of the Christ child.
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