It is our honour to greet a King of the legendary GDW as our guest today: the inventor of Traveller, Marc Miller. We talked with him about the dawn and origins of the game and hobby (including Redmond A. Simonsen & SPI), many luminaries of legendary GDW (Wiseman, the Keiths, John Harshman, Gary Gygax, Frank Chadwick and others ), crypto-fascism in our hobbies and real life, and how small things can have big impact for the positive. Other subjects include the role of D&D in forming both Traveller as well as changing the wargaming scene, Swiss design, font choices, and information presentation. Hosts: hasran, blut_und_glas, settembrini
- Not in our town: Darlene and Marc’s anti-racism activism
- Far Future Enterprises. Get your CT-CD Roms and many other things from legendary GDW directly from Marc!