In the captivating second episode of "Jack Rants With Modern Bankers," host Jack Hubbard sits down with his good friend and client Leanne Kassab and Mary Kate Loftus, President of Impressia Bank. The episode explores the concept behind Impresa Bank, a groundbreaking venture that enables women-owned businesses to thrive within the world of financial services. Leanne and Mary Kate reveal the innovative concept of starting a bank within a bank and shed light on the challenges and opportunities facing women entrepreneurs.
Leanne and Mary Kate share their perspectives on Impresa Bank's visionary approach, addressing access to capital, fostering a collaborative networking environment, and redefining the client experience through digital banking. Jack and his guests discuss strategies for success and reflect on the profound impact of their mission. With a focus on empowerment, networking, and driving positive change, this episode offers valuable insights for listeners interested in modern banking and the role it plays in supporting and elevating women-owned businesses.
Leanne and Mary Kate share their perspectives on Impresa Bank's visionary approach, addressing access to capital, fostering a collaborative networking environment, and redefining the client experience through digital banking. Jack and his guests discuss strategies for success and reflect on the profound impact of their mission. With a focus on empowerment, networking, and driving positive change, this episode offers valuable insights for listeners interested in modern banking and the role it plays in supporting and elevating women-owned businesses.