Apr 23 2024 44 mins
Andreas has recently been through the recruiting process of new colleagues to SSE Business Lab and Julia reminisces about her time recruiting and managing Andreas (phew!).
They end up speaking about what to look for when recruiting people to a very small team, how you learn to become a great leader, and how to manage people in the fast-paced environment a startup is.
Alumni company of the week: Ledarskapsjouren
Hosted by Julia Delin & Andreas Johansson
Edited by Carl Andersson
Responsible publisher: Lars Strannegård
They end up speaking about what to look for when recruiting people to a very small team, how you learn to become a great leader, and how to manage people in the fast-paced environment a startup is.
Alumni company of the week: Ledarskapsjouren
Hosted by Julia Delin & Andreas Johansson
Edited by Carl Andersson
Responsible publisher: Lars Strannegård